- <Settings Directory> is implied, when mentioning files names without paths.
- run java -jar jedit5.5.0install.jar as root having set JAVA_HOME and having java's bin in PATH
- shell script in /usr/local/bin/jedit
- JAVA_HOME="/opt/jdk1.8.0_202"
- PATH="$PATH:/opt/jdk1.8.0_202/bin"
- JAVA="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"
- wmctrl -s0
- exec "${JAVA}" -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -jar "/usr/local/share/jEdit/5.5.0/jedit.jar" -reuseview "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
- Copy 'imported_keys.props' to 'jEdit_keys.orig.props' in keymaps/
- Install plugins Console and Errorlist
- Save jsoup in jars/
- If jdk/jre newer than java8 is installed, java 8's rt.jar has to be placed somewhere.
- check properties list in startup/initialize.bsh and run macro Interface/flushGlobal_Namespaced after editting:
- placement of jars
- browser
- drypet.server for macro drypetDialog
- Run macro cyberkiss with current buffer being a .java or .bsh file, and test api help of marked up, or left to caret being, word.
- Evaluate usefullness
- shorcut keys listed by macro Properties/changedShortcutKeys
- command bar hints listed by macro Misc/listMemorableActionBarHits
- Initial settings
- Macro drypetDialog dependencies
- Edit mode for php
- global option
- saving and backups
- autosave, frq of autosave, numbers of autosave
- encoding
- saving and backups
- plugin console
- general -show welcome message
- errorlist
- automatically display on errors
- error pattern
Extra lines
[\s\S]+Stack trace([\s\S]+)
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ditdatdut() in /var/www/domain/beaupet/commands/Play.php:27
property drypet.serverurl in startup/initialize.bsh
on windows curl might be needed.
- copy from jEditHomeDir/modes to modes
- php.xml
- catalog - and remove any <MODE> tag besides that for php