NOTE: I recommend using bigstringaf now. It has fast operations written in C and is better maintained.
A set of utils for dealing with bigarrays
of char
as if they were proper
OCaml strings.
#require "bigstring";;
#install_printer Bigstring.print;;
module B = Bigstring;;
# let s1 = B.of_string " abcd ";;
val s1 : B.t = " abcd "
# let s2 = B.trim s1;;
val s2 : B.t = "abcd"
# B.index ~c:'b' s2 ;;
- : int = 1
# let str = "__";;
val str : string = "__"
# B.blit_of_string str 0 s2 1 2;;
- : unit = ()
# s2;;
- : B.t = "a__d"
This code is free, under the BSD license.