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About Spjall |
/readme/ |
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Samrómur chat is a VoIP web application written in Typescript.
Simple ExpressJs server handling the following tasks
- Serves a built/minified frontend in production mode
- WebSocket signalling server
- RESTful API to handle data uploads
The frontend is a client side rendered React app originally generated with create-react-app
- WebRTC peer to peer voice chat
- Web Worker encodes audio to waveform
- Node.js version 12+
- MySQL 8.0.19
- ffmpeg
concurrently takes care of running the backend and frontend dev servers simultaneously.
npm install
npm run dev
The build command builds both backend and frontend.
The start command runs the backend in production mode, serving the pre-built frontend on localhost:3030.
npm run build
npm run start # this might not last through restarts or ssh sessions
pm2 stop spjall.samromur
git pull
npm run build
pm2 restart spjall.samromur # for new intance: pm2 start npm -- start
Install jekyll following the github guide.
# Generate the docs for the run book
cd docs
bundle exec jekyll build
# Generating the docs for the frontend and backend.
cd ../
npm run docs
# Locally view the website
cd docs
bundle exec jekyll serve --skip-initial-build -o
Robot logo is made by common-voice which is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. Headset icons are made by Freepik from