This project is a java library to access and use the classical ( REST API. It provides implementations for following Endpoints:
- user
- vehicle
- division
- company
but can be easily extended with other.
Provide credentials
CarsyncSession carsyncSession = new CarsyncSession("", "password");
To access the vehicle API
VehicleService vehicleService = new VehicleServiceImpl(carsyncSession);
get all accessible vehicles
Page<Vehicle> vehiclePage = vehicleService.getList();
get one vehicle by id
Vehicle vehicle = vehicleService.get(1234);
creating and saving a vehicle
Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle();
vehicle.setLicensePlate("AB-C 1234");
vehicle.setManufacturer("De Dion-Bouton");
vehicle.setVehicleClass("Q 6hp");
vehicle.setDivisionId(1234);; // vehicle is internally updated (with id and other server-set fields)
update the vehicle
vehicle.setLicensePlate("AB-C 5678");
delete (for entities you can delete):
or just by id
Query parameters. Usually "getField" to extend the data to fetch and "field" to filter
Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("getDivision", 1); // get division sub object in result
params.put("active", 1); // filter active users
Page<User> userPage = userService.getList(params);
Page<User> firstPage = userService.getList(new PaginationRangeRequest(0, 49));
Page<User> secondPage = userService.getList(new PaginationRangeRequest(50, 99));