// This library allows you to connect your computer to the PZEM-004T V3.0 digital meter module directly via a UART-to-USB converter (without a microcontroller).
// The baud rate is 9600, with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
// The new PZEM-004T version (protocol changed) uses the Modbus-RTU protocol to communicate at the application layer.
// The original library is from: https://github.com/mandulaj/PZEM-004T-v30 (C/C++ library for Arduino).
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO.Ports; using Pzem; namespace Pzem004t { public partial class Demo : Form { public Demo() { InitializeComponent(); new PZEM004TV30(new SerialPort("COM6")).OnUpdate += Pz_OnUpdate; } //Defualt update interval is 200ms (change it by .setInterval(int ms)) private void Pz_OnUpdate(object sender, PzemEvent e) { Console.WriteLine("Voltage:" + e.Values.Voltage+"V"); Console.WriteLine("Current:" + e.Values.Current+"A"); Console.WriteLine("Active Power:" + e.Values.Power+"W"); Console.WriteLine("Active Energy:" + e.Values.Energy+"Wh"); Console.WriteLine("Frequency:" + e.Values.Frequency+"Hz"); Console.WriteLine("Power Factor:" + e.Values.PF); } } }