Live Demo -
This is a simple weather application built using Next.js and the Weatherbit API. It allows users to fetch and display current weather information for a given location. The application features a responsive user interface and provides various weather details such as the current temperature, weather description, humidity, wind speed, and more. It also includes appropriate weather icons or images based on the weather condition.
- User-friendly interface
- Fetches weather data from the Weatherbit API
- Allows users to enter a location (city, zip code, etc.) and fetch corresponding weather information
- Displays current temperature, weather description, humidity, wind speed, and other relevant weather information
- Uses weather icons or images to visually represent weather conditions
- Gracefully handles errors and provides meaningful error messages
- Additional features or enhancements that improve the application
- Next.js
- Weatherbit API
- TailwindCSS, Chart.js (for chart genereation)
If you want to run it with the zip without cloning for GitHub, you can run the development by
a.Installing the packages and then head to Configuration section to setup an API key
npm install
b.Then runing the development server
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the project.
- Clone the repository or download the ZIP file.
git clone
2.Navigate to the project directory.
cd weathernow
- Install the dependencies.
npm install
1.Sign up for an API key on the Weatherbit website (or any other weather API you choose to use).
2.Create a .env.local file in the root directory of the project.
3.Add your API key to the .env.local file.
1.Start the development server.
npm run dev
1.Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the weather application.
2.Enter a location in the provided input field and click the "Search" button to fetch and display weather information.