- A
file is provided that will set up the Jaeger and Zipkin. - Both the tools can be run together, and application can send traces to both of them.
- Access Jaeger UI on - http://localhost:16686/search
- Acces Zipkin UI on - http://localhost:9411/zipkin/
- The
also contains setup for OpenCensus Agent - The configuration for OpenCensus Agent is located at -
- It is configured to recieve OpenCensus Traces from application, and export traces to Zipkin and Jaeger tools.
- Docker
- Java 11
- Gradle
Do this if you are starting the application for first time
rm -rf ~/data/opencensus-pgres-13
mkdir -p ~/data/opencensus-pgres-13
./gradlew clean build --console=plain
docker-compose up -d --build
Connect to PostGres (username: pgadmin
, password: pgadmin#123
), and run the sql scripts in resources/dummy-data-scripts
folder to create the dummy data for this application.
- Run oncustomerdb
- Run onorderdb
- Run onproductdb
To connect to postgres from your host machine, you can install pgAdmin
docker run --name postgres-admin -p 5000:80 -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin@dba.com" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin" -d dpage/pgadmin4
Connect to pgAdmin at http://localhost:5000, and login using the admin credentials provided in docker run command.
Get all customers
Get All Orders for a customer
Encrypt properties for
curl http://localhost:<config-server-port>/encrypt -d dummyPropValue
Get Config for Customer Service
curl http://localhost:<config-server-port>/product-service/default
- Enable SQL Tracing