This module contains a custom implementation of Bayesian network for PU learning, written from scratch in Python 3, API inspired by SciKit-learn. This module implements multiple Bayesian classifiers:
- Positive Naive Bayes(PNB)
- Positive Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes(PTAN)
- Positive Simpler TAN(PSTAN)
- Positive Ensemble TAN(PETAN)
- Weighted Naive Bayes(WNB)
- Weighted Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes(WTAN)
PU learning is the setting where a learner only has access to positive examples and unlabeled data. The assumption is that the unlabeled data can contain both positive and negative examples.
Note: All algorithms make the "Select Completely At Random(SCAR)" labeling assumption. We consider "case-control" and "single training" sampling scenariors.
Generate Positive and Unlabeled data from fully labeled data set, either follows "case-control" or "single training".
import PUgenerator
p450_pu = PUgenerator(),y,nl = 400,nu = 800, case_control = True) # "case-control"
p450_pu.prevalence_ # p(y=1)
p450_pu.plot_dist() # plot all feature distributions
p450_pu.X_1abeled_ # labeled set
p450_pu.X_Unlabeled_ # Unlabeled set
p450_pu.y_Unlabeled_ # Unlabeled target values(unknown in practice)
Demo for implementation of PNB and PSTAN, from training to prediction
import PNB
pnb = PNB(),p450_pu.X_Unlabeled_, p450_pu.prevalence_) # model fitting
pnb.predict(p450_pu.X_Unlabeled_) # prediction
pnb.predict_proba(p450_pu.X_Unlabeled_) # proba prediction
import PSTAN
pstan = PSTAN(),p450_pu.X_Unlabeled_, p450_pu.prevalence_,M) # model fitting
pstan.plot_tree_structure() # plot learned tree-structure
pstan.predict(p450_pu.X_Unlabeled_) # prediction
pstan.predict_proba(p450_pu.X_Unlabeled_) # proba prediction
Evaluation under multiple runs, take average.
import get_cv
Accuracy, CLL, Precision,Recall = get_cv(PNB,X,y,400,800,M)
- Dropwizard - scikit-learn API
- Maven - Dependency Management
- ROME - Used to generate RSS Feeds
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Chengning Zhang - Initial work - Bayesian Classifers for PU-learning
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc