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vim script
- Introduction
- Help
- Expression
- Numbers
- Variables
- Lists & dictionaries
- Constants
- Variable containing code
- Options
- File system
- Buffers
- Stream : Input / Output
- Functions
- Tabs & windows
- Mappings
- Autocommands
- Common typos
VimL is full of features, but sometimes it is hard to find which function or command will do the job you want.
If you ever searched the web for vim script ex command output in a var
you surely have had results talking about :redir
. This is ok, but
there is a more elegant solution for this particular problem.
This wiki collects vim script snippets, whose some were hard to find. You may already know some of them, and I hope you will gladly discover the others.
As a VimL programmer, the most used help file is :
:help eval.txt
Once there, you can use a plain search.
E.g., searching for buf.*()
will give you buffer related functions.
You can also use the completion in command mode :
:help buf*(<tab>
will give you a list of candidates, like bufnr()
or bufadd()
The :helpgrep
command search in all help files and fill the quickfix
Each kind of VimL object has its own syntax :
- normal mode key :
- insert mode key :
- visual mode key :
- command mode key :
- command :
- function :
- option :
- expression :
- regex pattern :
- vim flag :
Finally, the reference :
:help help
:help help-context
The command :let
evaluate an expression and assign the result :
let list = range(5)
echo list
The command :eval
evaluate an expression without assigning the result :
let list = range(5)
eval list->add(10)
echo list
The command :call
calls a function, without assigning the result :
let list = range(5)
call add(list, 10)
echo list
Float to integer with float2nr()
let float = 2.01
echo float2nr(float)
Integer to float with round()
let int = 2
echo round(int)
String to integer with str2nr()
let string = ' 0002 '
echo str2nr(string)
You can define and access global vars with the g:
prefix :
let g:var = 'global var content'
echo g:var
Most of the time, variables used inside a function are local, even
without the l:
prefix :
let var = 1
let box = 2
echo 'var from outide : ' var
echo 'box from outside : ' box
fun! Locals ()
let var = 3
let l:box = 4
echo 'var from inside : ' var
echo 'l:box from inside : ' l:box
echo 'box from inside : ' box
call Locals ()
echo 'var from outide : ' var
echo 'box from outside : ' box
The l:
can sometimes be useful however, for instance to avoid
confusion with a (neo)vim v:
variable, like v:count
Its almost for readability, for the editor seem to see the difference :
fun! VimVars ()
let l:count = 3
echo 'l:count : ' l:count
echo 'count : ' count
echo 'v:count : ' v:count
You can define and access buffer local vars with the b:
prefix :
let b:var = 'buffer local var content'
echo b:var
buffer #
" throws an error
echo b:var
Here are the other types of local variables and their prefixes :
- window local :
- tab local :
- script local :
- vim variable :
let list = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
echo list[0]
echo list[2]
echo list[-1]
echo list[-2]
echo list[1:]
echo list[:-2]
echo list[1:3]
" empty
let dict = {}
echo dict
" with some keys & values
let dict = { 'one' : 'value one', 'two' : 'value 2'}
echo dict
" add keys & valuse
let dict.name = 'john'
let dict.hobbies = ['tennis', 'music']
" access values using keys
echo dict.name
echo dict['hobbies']
" using key variable
let key = 'name'
echo dict[key]
let key = 'hobbies'
echo dict[key]
" list of keys
echo keys(dict)
" list of values
echo values(dict)
By default, list & dictionaries are accessed by reference :
" list
let list = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
let ref = list
let ref[2] = 100
" original is modified
echo list
echo ref
" dict
let dict = { 'one' : 'value one', 'two' : 'value 2'}
let shadow = dict
let shadow.one = 'changed'
let shadow['two'] = 'again'
" original is modified
echo dict
echo shadow
You can explicitly make a copy :
let list = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
let snapshot = copy(list)
let snapshot[2] = 100
" no change in original
echo list
echo snapshot
" dict
let dict = { 'one' : 'value one', 'two' : 'value 2'}
let snapshot = copy(dict)
let snapshot.one = 'changed'
let snapshot['two'] = 'again'
" no change in original
echo dict
echo snapshot
In case of a nested list or dict, copy()
only copy the first level :
let nested_list = [range(1,3), range(2, 10)]
let shallow = copy(nested_list)
echo nested_list
echo shallow
" modifying first level
let shallow[0] = ['new', 'list']
" no change in original
echo nested_list
echo shallow
The objects inside it are passed by reference :
let nested_list = [range(1,3), range(2, 10)]
let shallow = copy(nested_list)
echo nested_list
echo shallow
" modifying second level
let shallow[0][1] = 100
" the original is modified
echo nested_list
echo shallow
To avoid changing the original by mistake, use deepcopy()
let nested_list = [range(1,3), range(2, 10)]
let deep = deepcopy(nested_list)
echo nested_list
echo deep
" modifying second level
let deep[0][1] = 100
" no change in original
echo nested_list
echo deep
First index where element is found :
let list = [2, 3, 4, 1]
echo list->index(3)
You can specify the starting index :
let list = [2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2]
echo list->index(3)
echo list->index(3, 2)
Concat :
let first = [0, 1, 2]
let second = [3, 4, 5]
let list = first + second
echo list
" extend
let list = first
echo list
eval list->extend(second)
echo list
Add :
let list = range(3)
echo list
eval list->add(10)
echo list
Insert :
" first
let list = range(3)
echo list
eval list->insert(-1)
echo list
" before index
let index = 2
eval list->insert(-5, index)
echo list
" before last
eval list->insert(-10, -1)
echo list
" last (easier with add())
let length = len(list)
eval list->insert(-20, length)
echo list
let list = range(10)
eval list->remove(5)
echo list
let list = range(10)
eval list->remove(3, 5)
echo list
You can apply the same function on all list element with map()
let list = range(1, 10)
eval list->map({ _, val -> 2 * val })
" or
call map(list, { _, val -> 2 * val })
" table of 2
echo list
You can filter list elements with filter()
let list = range(1, 10)
echo list->filter({ _, val -> val % 3 == 0 })
Repeat the same sequence in a list with repeat()
echo [0]->repeat(4)
echo [0, 1, 2, 3]->repeat(2)
Also works to build strings :
echo 0->repeat(4)
echo 'a'->repeat(4)
Avoid it for nested list however, references are used internally :
let nested = [ [1, 2] ]->repeat(4)
echo nested
eval nested[0]->add(3)
echo nested
Instead, use a combi of range & map :
let nested = range(4)->map('[1, 2]')
echo nested
eval nested[0]->add(3)
echo nested
Nested list of empty lists, useful for initialization :
" init
let nested = range(4)->map('[]')
echo nested
eval nested[0]->add(2)
eval nested[1]->add(3)
eval nested[2]->add(4)
eval nested[3]->add(5)
echo nested
Concatenate list element in a string with join()
Default separator is space :
let list = range(10)
echo join(list)
echo join(list, ' ')
Alternative separator :
let list = range(10)
echo join(list, ' - ')
Split string in list elements with split()
Default separator is space :
let string = 'one two three'
echo split(string)
echo split(string, ' ')
Alternative separator :
let string = 'one - two - three'
echo split(string, ' - ')
Inner empty elements are kept :
let string = 'one - - two - three'
echo split(string, ' - ')
Empty element at begin or end are kept only if asked :
let string = ' - one - two - three - '
echo split(string, ' - ')
let keepempty = v:true
echo split(string, ' - ', keepempty)
let box = 3
echo box
" box -> constant
lockvar box
" throws error E741
let box = 4
echo box
" box -> variable
unlockvar box
" ok
let box = 5
echo box
With :execute
let code = 'let var = range(5)'
execute code
echo var
With eval()
let expression = "strftime('%H:%M')"
echo eval(expression)
Can be used to revert string()
let list = range(10)
let str = string(list)
" returns 1 = string
echo type(str)
let new_list = eval(str)
" returns 3 = list
echo type(new_list)
With :normal
let delta = 2
execute 'normal! ' . delta . "\<c-o>"
Variable containing the name of another variable :
let var = 'hello'
let ptr = 'var'
echo {ptr}
Access global option value with ampersand and g:
prefix :
let &g:modifiable = 1
echo &g:modifiable
Access local option value with ampersand and l:
prefix :
let &l:modifiable = 1
echo &l:modifiable
See also setglobal
, setlocal
and let-&
Don't confuse :
- the buffer local
prefix in options - the function local
prefix in variables - the buffer local
prefix in variables
Test for a regular file :
if filereadable(my_file)
call do_something (my_file)
Test for a directory :
if isdirectory(my_dir)
call do_something (my_dir)
Expand the tilde with expand()
echo expand('~/Documents')
Modify the name with fnamemodify()
" full path
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file', ':p')
echo fnamemodify('Documents/folder/file', ':p')
" directory part (head)
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file', ':h')
echo fnamemodify('Documents/folder/file', ':h')
" file part (tail)
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file', ':t')
echo fnamemodify('Documents/folder/file', ':t')
" without extension
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file.ext', ':r')
echo fnamemodify('Documents/folder/file.ext', ':r')
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file.tar.gz', ':r')
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file.tar.gz', ':r:r')
" extension
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file.ext', ':e')
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file.tar.gz', ':e')
echo fnamemodify('~/Documents/file.tar.gz', ':e:e')
List of files & dirs in current folder :
echo glob('*', v:false, v:true)
Recursive, all tree of files & dirs in current folder :
echo glob('**', v:false, v:true)
Note the double asterisk.
Tree of vim files :
echo glob('**/*.vim', v:false, v:true)
Name from number :
echo bufname(1)
Number from name :
let name = bufname(1)
echo bufnr(name)
All buffers :
let buffers = getbufinfo()
for buf in buffers
echo buf.number ':' buf.name
Listed buffers :
let buffers = getbufinfo({'buflisted' : 1})
for buf in buffers
echo buf.number ':' buf.name
List of lines in current buffer :
" -- line number, output is a string
" current line
echo getline('.')
" last line
echo getline('$')
" -- range of line, output is a list
echo getline(1, 10)
echo getline('.', '$')
With setline(line, text)
, you can change a line.
With append(line, text)
, you can append content below a line.
With :put =var
, you can add var
content below the cursor.
With :put =list
, you add an element of list
per line.
" alternate buffer
let bufnum = '#'
" -- line number, output is a string
echo getbufline(bufnum, 5)
echo getbufline(bufnum, '$')
" -- range of line, output is a list
echo getbufline(bufnum, 1, 10)
echo getbufline(bufnum, 1, '$')
echo getbufline(bufnum, 1, '$')[4]
See also setbufline()
, appendbufline()
With execute()
let var = execute('tabs')
echo var
let list = split(var, "\n")
echo list
With :redir
redir => var
redir END
let list = split(var, "\n")
echo list
With system*()
let var = system('ls -l')
echo var
let list = systemlist('ls -l')
echo list
With readfile()
let file = expand('~/Documents/file')
let list = readfile(file)
echo list
let head = readfile(file, '', 10)
echo head
let tail = readfile(file, '', -10)
echo tail
With writefile()
let list = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line']
let file = expand('~/Documents/list-file')
" replace content
call writefile(list, file)
" add content
call writefile(list, file, 'a')
With :redir
let list = ['first line', 'second line', 'third line']
let content = join(list, "\n")
let file = expand('~/Documents/content-file')
execute 'redir! >' file
silent! echo content
redir END
execute 'redir! >>' file
silent! echo content
redir END
Note the distinction between the function execute()
and the command :execute
Variable containing a function name :
let fun = 'strftime'
echo {fun}('%H:%M')
Funcref by name or reference :
let Funcname = function('Fun')
let Funcref = funcref('Fun')
If Fun
is redefined :
- function() will refer to the new function having the same name
- funcref() will refer to the old function
can also be defined after the call to function()
Funcref by name :
let list = range(3)
let Fun = function('add')
echo Fun(list, 4)
echo list
With predefined argument(s) :
let list = range(3)
" add(list, element)
let Fun = function('add', [list])
echo Fun(4)
echo Fun(5)
echo list
Inside a function definition, arguments are accessed with a a:
prefix :
fun! Fun (argument)
return a:argument
echo Fun('hello')
You can call a function with a given argument list : call(function, argument-list)
let list = range(5)
let element = 'new'
" synonym of add(list, element)
echo call('add', [list, element])
echo list
Also works with a funcref :
let list = range(5)
let Fun = function('add')
let element = 'new'
" synonym of add(list, element)
echo call(Fun, [list, element])
echo list
YOu can give a name to an optional argument :
fun! Fun (optional = 'default value')
return a:optional
echo Fun ()
echo Fun ('another value')
Optional arguments can be defined with the three dots syntax Fun(...)
You can access them with these special variables :
- a:0 : number of optional args
- a:1 : first optional arg
- a:2 : second optional arg
- ...
- a:000 : list of optional args
Application : pass the optional arguments of a function to another one :
fun! Fun (...)
let var = call('add', a:000)
return var
let list = range(5)
echo Fun (list, 7)
fun! Fun (named = 'default', ...)
return #{named: a:named, anonymous: a:000}
echo Fun ()
echo Fun ('value')
echo Fun ('value', 'one', 'two')
It is a good idea to use the autoload feature as much as possible. The
definition of a function myfunction
in a file myfile
located in
looks like :
fun! myfolder#myfile#myfunction ()
The autoload/myfolder
has to be somewhere in your runtimepath
let list = [2, 3, 5, 4, 1]
echo filter(list, {index, value -> value >= 4})
let list = [2, 3, 5, 1, -1]
echo map(list, {index, value -> index + value})
let number = -3.14
echo number->abs()
echo number->abs()->cos()
echo number->abs()->cos()->acos()
Lambda method :
let number = 3
echo number->{ x -> 2 * x }()
echo number->{ x, y -> x + y }(4)
fun! Fonctional(fn, value)
fun! Function(arg) closure
return a:fn(a:arg, a:value)
return funcref('Function')
let list = range(10)
" add(list, element)
echo Fonctional(function('add'), 3)(list)
let F = Fonctional(function('add'), 5)
echo F(list)
Dict function :
fun! Fundict (arg) dict
echo self.name a:arg
" associate it with a dict
let dict = {'name' : 'John'}
let dict.fun = function('Fundict')
" call it
call dict.fun('Doe')
" function ref
let F = function('Fundict', dict)
call F('Smith')
" with empty arg
let G = function('Fundict', [], dict)
call G('Foo')
" with predefined arg
let H = function('Fundict', ['Bar'], dict)
call H()
Anonymous function :
let dict = {'name' : 'John'}
fun! dict.iam (arg) dict
echo self.name a:arg
call dict.iam('Will')
Each window has a :
- local tab number
- global unique ID (until you restart vim, of course)
let current_tab = tabpagenr()
let last_tab = tabpagenr('$')
With tabpagebuflist()
let last = tabpagenr('$')
for tab in range(1, last)
echo tab ':' tabpagebuflist(tab)
Get id :
let win_nr = winnr()
echo win_nr
Current local number in a given tab :
let tab_nr = 2
let win_nr = tabpagewinnr(tab_nr)
let last_win_nr = tabpagewinnr(tab_nr, '$')
let num_win_on_tab = last_win_nr
Go to it :
let win_nr = 2
execute win_nr 'wincmd w'
Get id :
let win_local_nr = 2
let tab_nr = 3
let win_id = win_getid(win_local_nr, tab_nr)
echo win_id
let current_win_id = win_getid()
echo current_win_id
Go to id :
let win_id = 1012
call win_gotoid(win_id)
Find in which window(s) is displayed a buffer :
let win_list = win_findbuf(buf_nr)
Of course, you can use :
" command
nnoremap <c-right> :tabnext<cr>
" with <c-u> to avoid things like :'<,'>
nnoremap <c-right> :<c-u>tabnext<cr>
" call function
nnoremap <c-right> :call goto_next_tab()<cr>
" from insert mode
inoremap <c-right> <esc>:tabnext<cr>i
but it’s often better to use <cmd>
" command, no need to add <c-u>
nnoremap <c-right> <cmd>tabnext<cr>
" call function
nnoremap <c-right> <cmd>call goto_next_tab()<cr>
" from insert mode, no need to surround with <esc>...i
inoremap <c-right> <cmd>tabnext<cr>
Advantages :
- execute the command without leaving the mode
- no need to add
after the colon - also works from insert mode without addition
- faster
- silent
An expression map is an indirect one : it calls the function given on the rhs to obtain the actual rhs of the map.
Example : if we define the function :
fun! TakeFive ()
return '5j'
and the map :
nnoremap <expr> <F3> TakeFive()
hitting <F3>
will move the cursor down five lines.
Define a plug :
noremap <plug>(myplugin-function) <cmd>call plugin#file#function()<cr>
and let the user use it for his own map :
map <user-key> <plug>(myplugin-function)
This last map must be recursive to work.
You can trigger a custom event, somewhere in your plugin :
doautocmd User MyPluginEvent
and let the user add whatever command he wants to it :
autocmd User MyPluginEvent echo 'hello there !'
To avoid auto-execution, use noautocmd
This one change window without triggering autocommand :
noautocmd call win_gotoid(window_id)
If needed, you can trigger them later by using doautocmd
doautocmd WinEnter
doautocmd BufEnter
Some buffers are special, and not related to a file, like the quickfix
window. In that case, writing it does not mean a simple copy to the
file system, but can involve a completely distinct operation. The
event is there to modify the meaning of the :write
command. These autocommands are often buffer local. Example :
autocmd BufWriteCmd <buffer> call FancyStuff ()
Writing the buffer where this autocommand is defined will call
instead of saving to disc.
First define a global var to hold the ring :
let g:yankring = []
then define a function to add yanks :
fun! Add2yankring ()
let content = getreg('"')
call insert(yanks, content)
With this autocommand, your function will be triggered at each yank :
autocmd TextYankPost * call Add2yankring()
Can you see this one ?
let bufnum = bufnr('%')
let filename = bufname(bufnum)
let filename = fnamemodify(filename, ':t')
lef filename = fnamemodify(filename, ':p')
echo filename
The filename
var is not what you could expect. In a big file, you can
easily miss it, and you could lose time to find it, because vim will
throw no error. In the fourth line, it's a lef
where it should be a
. The former is a shortcut for :left
So, when things are not working as they should, always search for
: either it is a typo for let
, or it is intended and you
want to type the full left