Choco-graph is an open-source Java library for Constraint Programming over Graph Variables. This extension of Choco Solver enables you to search for a graph that satisfies a graph properties such as forming a tree, a hamiltonian cycle, having 3 strongly connected components, etc.
A user guide may be found in the doc folder. Feel free to contribute to it.
This software is licensed under BSD license.
This extension of Choco Solver works with choco-solver-4.0.6 and associated dependencies. It requires JDK 1.8+
Please meet our team of cho-coders :
The source of the released versions are directly available in the Tag
You can also download them using github features.
Once downloaded, move to the source directory then execute the following maven command
to make the jar:
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests
If the build succeeded, the resulting jar will be automatically
installed in your local maven repository and available in the target
Use the issue tracker here on GitHub to report issues. As far as possible, provide a Minimal Working Example.
=================== The Choco Solver dev team.