Project that shows the most popular tv shows all over the world based on TheMovieDB Api.
This sample project is mainly focused on how to implement MVVM architecture with Android Architecture Components by using dependency injection pattern
Build Tool Gradle 6.1.1
Programming Language Kotlin 1.3.72
Asynchronicity RxJava migrated to Coroutines
Dependency Injection Dagger2 migrated to Hilt
Architecture Design Android Architecture Components
Test Runner JUnit 4.12
Mocking Library Mockito migrated to Mockk
Makes assertions easy and more readable AssertJ
Kotlin lang static code analysis Detekt
Kotlin lint Ktlint
Kotlin Coding Conventions
Activities ends with 'Activity'
Activity layouts starts with 'activity_'
Fragments ends with 'Fragment'
Fragment layouts starts with 'fragment_'
RecyclerView - ViewHolder layouts starts with 'item_'
Drawables starts with 'ic_'