Releases: cipriangal/prexSim
New baseline configuration
This marks the completion of cross-checks and updates to the geometry related to the dump. The 4 geometries that are setup (prex1, prex2, crex, happex2) have been run and a summary of the output can be found on the haplog:
Two additional detectors were added to estimate the radiation load at the Moller target location and at the entrance of the hall (numbers 2401, 2411).
Things to do in near future:
- change material redefinition in the source code
- remove obsolete geometry elements
- include the second arm of the HRS
- add detector to the side of the HRS platform
- dump extension (from Adam) and kryptonite skin (to prevent particles going directly to the hall lid)
Comparison with ERR results
Did significant cross checks comparing to ERR numbers for neutrons coming from the pivot region. The differences reported were due to the different scattering/collimator chamber configurations and the different HDPE positions and sizes. See for details.
This will be the base for a version 3 release (skipping 2 because it's used in some internal discussions already).
Update with SAMs
In principle this release still holds the capability to run the ERR configurations in parallel to other configurations (look at prex2.gdml and crex5.gdml). This will be checked before the next major release.
Since last release the beam pipe configuration has been updated to include Small Angle Monitors (SAMs) and updated to include better dump configurations (in particular for PREX1). Additionally we have working configurations for HAPPEX2 and MOLLER. Both of these were used to estimate dose from the dump and SAMs. The geometry folder has ballooned to include many different configuration that were tested. Moreover, the o ring and flange between the hall and dump beam lines were included to evaluate dose.
Configurations in this release are going to be tested against all ERR results for consistency (in particular wrt to hall lid -- indications already exist that we have a significant departure ).
A series of vacuum detectors were added to this configuration both in the beamline and around the hall.
Include summer 2017 work
This version should still be able to reproduce the ERR2017 results (with minor modifications to the gdml; i.e. replace the current beam pipe with the straight opening pipe). The work done through the summer to properly account for the beam pipe and the dump configuration lives in parallel to the old configurations. Removed all of the old gdml configurations.
This parallel configurations contain changes that will soon be put into the default:
- larger hall by about 116cm
- longer beam pipe
- dump configuration with a reduced donut
- dump shielding
- HRS platform with updated detector and HRS walls (that provide some shielding)
Base code
This is the code that performed studies for ERR2017. Several updates (that have not broken anything) have been added since May. Backward compatibility is still intact.