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CAB2 chat transcript
Room information was updated by: chris@ibm
CF community call
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chris@ibm: Agenda
Contribution Guidelines and Coding Standards review http://goo.gl/zbn7DN
cloudfoundry.org site update
Update from Pivotal on process improvements aimed at growing the CF community
chris@ibm: glad to see people logged in early!
chris@ibm: hoping for a really good call this morning/eventing
nakagawa@ntt: NTT members from Tokyo atend tele-conference right now.
JeffH: morning/evening all
yudai@NTT: hi there
Manuel Garcia@Altoros: Hi all from Argentina
chris@ibm: link to the contribution guidelines https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SfXFRuxZ2sS16GrYXPEI8Gjd75nNj_Z9xXrTriQSUc0/edit#heading=h.363upk5cw8aa
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: wohoo
JeffH@activestate: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2014
JeffH@activestate: Application submissions start Feb 3, with deadling Feb 14
chris@ibm: Jeff@activestate would like to discuss Google Summer of Code
chris@ibm: Cathy will look to contribute some best practices guidance they have developed (Cathy, did I get that right?)
chris@ibm: Dr Nic frustrated by PR feedback that asks for tests that pre-existed to be augmented when submitting a PR
catherine.spence@intel.com: I'll provide cloud-aware app design guidance that can be included in the coding standards
chris@ibm: thanks!
AdrianColyer@Pivotal: http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/white-papers/maximizing-cloud-advantages-through-cloud-aware-applications-paper.pdf
chris@ibm: James B when adding new code to the project, the bar is higher than what may have been the case before Pivotal took responsibility for the project
chris@ibm: thanks for the link, Adrian
AdrianColyer@Pivotal: It's thanks to Cathy really
chris@ibm: yes, but you shared the link
catherine.spence@intel.com: thanks to Adrian for saving me time to look up the link
chris@ibm: Mark S - mark patches from 1st and 2nd time contributors can help in on-boarding new members
chris@ibm thinks that is a super idea
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: I vote for RVM
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: ::grin::
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: Although they both use .ruby-version now so ...
chris@ibm: Joshua - OpenStack did a planet aggregator first and anyone who had signed the CLA could be added
chris@ibm: then they evaluated that stream and decided which contributors could be added to the more official blog
chris@ibm: establish some blogging standards (like not pimping products) etc would be a good thing
Daniel Krook@IBM: The planet model has been used successfully in lots of other open source (and commercial) projects. It makes it easy to track the community. +1.
chris@ibm: Dr NIc - this is by us and for us
Renat @ Altoros: how about blog reviewer roles that will follow the blogging standards?
brent@activestate: +1 to the planet model
Mark S: we've taken the view that any blog, even a company one, is OK as long as (a) it's filtered by tag, and (b) a member of the project stands behind the aggregator entry
Mark S: makes it very easy to get content flowing but also puts personal reputation on the line
brent@activestate: It should be reasonably self policing.
chris@ibm: Chris to take the action on following up the planet idea
Joshua McKenty@Piston: You can probably steal the planet config from OpenStack
Joshua McKenty@Piston: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/AddingYourBlog
Joshua McKenty@Piston: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-planet
@wattersjames1: I know how to hit RT if you mention Cloud Foundry
@wattersjames1: That is my talent
Joshua McKenty@Piston: funny - that's also what fk_wattersjames is good at
brent@activestate: Somebody has their vibrating phone right beside their speaker phone or something...
JeffH@activestate: Has anybody played with Jekyll on github - using that as a static site generator?
chris@ibm: Mark S trust but verify
JeffH@activestate: Fits well with handling PRs for site content as well
@wattersjames1: +1 to lean and fast
JeffH@activestate: jekyll ref: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll (it's what powers GitHub Pages)
jamesbayer@pivotal: development process as it exists today: https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/cf-docs-contrib/wiki/Development-Process
Joshua McKenty@Piston: btw, the public tracker is down
Joshua McKenty@Piston: JeffH, we used it originally for the openstack docs site
Joshua McKenty@Piston: outgrew it pretty quickly
Joshua McKenty@Piston: http://cftracker.cfapps.io/runtime
Joshua McKenty@Piston is sad
chris@ibm: that link is the old public tracker
Joshua McKenty@Piston: ah - but that's what's on the wiki!
chris@ibm: https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/cf-docs-contrib/wiki/Development-Process
chris@ibm: https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/cf-docs-contrib/wiki/Pivotal-Tracker-Instructions
chris@ibm: that last link has the links to the new public trackers
Joshua McKenty@Piston: link on http://cloudfoundry.org/get-in
Joshua McKenty@Piston: is wrong, then
chris@ibm: I will have that fixed, thanks
Mark S requests a private chat with you
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: Anyone else getting 500 error with cftracker
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: Ahh old tracker, ok nm
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: Because of the comment's feature a google doc would work well for that collaboration.
chris@ibm: +1
JeffH@activestate: you can share a google doc to only allow comments
Mark S: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/
Mark S: it's early in the cycle
Mark S: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/ is last release
Ruben Koster@Stark and Wayne1: There is a whole software category for solving this problem called Idea Management
Joshua McKenty@Piston: That's more on the ideation side, there's also product management tools such as aha.io
Joshua McKenty@Piston: collecting RFEs isn't that hard, it's connecting a bunch of diverse development teams around it that's harder
chris@ibm: +1 Joshua
catherine.spence@intel.com: We would prefer organized releases as opposed to neverending ongoing continuous delivery, understanding backward compatibility
chris@ibm: output from an inception will progress directly to the public tracker
Nic@Swisscom: +1 Catherine
Renat @ Altoros: + 1 Joshua, although I think for the time being we could be served well by a combination of public Google Group for a project team, Google Doc with comments on & Pivotal Tracker
chris@ibm: +1 catherine - IBM feels the same, but not at the expense of continuous delivery
chris@ibm: but there does need to be a focus on backwards and forwards compatibility
AdrianColyer@Pivotal: Mark, great to have you onboard to share all your learnings and experience. Very much appreciated!
Mark S: glad to be here!
@wattersjames1: +1 Thanks for coming Mark, hope we can use some of your approaches/infrastructure for remote inceptions/feedback
chris@ibm: +1
Renat @ Altoros: +1 Chris as we preach continuous delivery. This is what our customers are getting CF for - to achieve continuous delivery, hence we could show by example what is possible. Catherine - what do you think will be the bottlenecks?
catherine.spence@intel.com: A big problem for us is applying all the point releases serially. We are trying to support a stable production environment.
Renat @ Altoros: +1 Mark, any links to check out Ubuntu's examples/processes that we could adopt for remote inceptions/feedback?
AdrianColyer@Pivotal: Summer of Code sounds like a great idea to me
catherine.spence@intel.com: +1 Adrian - seems like a great idea to get more contribution and visibility
Mark S: renat: http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=8733 is a blog by one of the participants
Renat @ Altoros: Mark, great thanks > now reviewing
Wayne E. Seguin @ SNW: Interested ... yes, bandwidth.... unclear.
Renat @ Altoros: Catherine, 100% with you on release roll-out mgmt to make roll outs reliable.
@wattersjames1: Thanks Chris!
Renat @ Altoros: great call today, thanks everyone!
chris@ibm: +1
nakagawa@ntt: Bye !
catherine.spence@intel.com: Thanks everyone. Happy holidays!
Colin@CloudCredo: James B - interested to explore tightening/enhancing the community to product manager feedback cycle at some point, beyond mailing lists. Great call everyone
Mark S: happy holidays indeed!
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Maybe other CIs hosted on cf-app.com are mentioned in slack ?
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