OpenShift Origin On OpenStack with Terraform and Ansible Anywhere
For more information, please refer to this guide:
With Terraform you can spin up your master, worker and etcd nodes on OpenStack within 1-2 minutes. You can install Terraform by following this link:
The config files in this Repo deploys 9 nodes (3 masters, 2 worker nodes, 3 etcds and the LB (HAProxy)) with a new network “openshift”, subnets, router, security group, etc. on your OpenStack cloud .You can adjust this script as you need, by simply commenting out the masters, nodes and HAProxy or other resources such as floatingIps, etc.
Note: these config files don't add any volumes to the hosts yet.
You can checkout the config files with:
$ git clone
$ cd quadrupleo/
$ cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars
And provide the right values for your OpenStack environment terraform.tfvars file (keep this file in a safe place):
$ vi terraform.tfvars
user_name = "your user name"
tenant_name = "your tenant name"
password= "your password"
auth_url = "http://<your ip/ domain>:5000/v2.0"
external_gateway = "the id of your external gateway"
image = "your image name"
pool = "external floating ip pool. default is public"
Show the plan:
$ terraform plan
$ terraform plan -out quadrupleo-date +'%s'
Now you’re ready to provision your base cluster in less than one minute:
$ terraform apply
$ terraform show
$ terraform destroy
To create the Terraform Graph, you might want to use:
$ terraform graph >
$ dot -Tsvg -o openshift.svg