This is a tiny node server, which keeps track of the last time it was pinged at /ping/update
Set the id and zone of a compute instance and maximum ping delta, to automatically stop that instance if not pinged for the specified time.
You can choose to create a powerful vm on GCP, host this app somewhere live (e.g. on the actual vm in question) and set up a program to ping it regularly while working. It will gracefully shut down when you stop.
var pinger = {
ping_url: "",
last_ping_time: 0,
running: false,
delay: function( time ) {
return new Promise( ( res ) => setTimeout( () => res(), 1000.0 * time ) )
start: async function( interval ) {
this.running = true
while ( this.running ) {
if( ) {
let r = await fetch( this.ping_url )
let t = await r.text()
this.last_ping_time =
await this.delay( interval )
active: () => ! document || ( document.visibilityState == "visible" && document.hasFocus() )
now: () => new Date().getTime() * .001
version: "2"
image: codefleur/gcloud-stopper
container_name: gcloud-stopper
restart: unless-stopped
- 1234:1234
- VERBOSE=false
- MAX_PING_DELTA=900 # 15 minutes
- COMPUTE_ZONE=europe-west3-c
For automatically starting a Compute instance, you can check out this repo.