A networked pomodoro-style timer to help you focus with your friends.
In development. 🚧
In the meantime, join our community.
$ npm install
Copy the file .env-example
to .env
and add your Firebase settings there. They don't need to be secret, but Firebase costs money.
In development, for the Code Self Study version, you can use our public settings in your .env
$ npm start
There's a simple generator script to create new components and pages.
Create a component in the src/components
$ ./g c form-input
Create a page in the src/pages
$ ./g p contact
Create Redux boilerplate in the src/redux
$ ./g r timer
Use snake-case.
- user sign up
- user sign in
- style the sign-in/up forms
- "create timer" form (MVP can use default 25/5 time blocks)
- when user creates a timer it redirects to a URL with a timer
- set firestore permissions
- add sound notifications
- add browser notifications
- work on design
- work on accessibility
- create user profile pages
- join a timer
- show the number of users on a timer
- points system
I don't think it should tick on the server in this version, because that could be considered a Firebase write or cloud function execution. 💸
Maybe something like this:
- initial time is set in Firestore on creation
- each client connects and gets the start time, calculating the remainder
- each client counts down on the client side
- a cloud function writes to Firestore on events (start, stop/pause), which subscribers receive