Real Time Chat Application Project.(BACKEND)
Tech Stack used: Node.js, MongoDB, html, css , js.
Steps to start the application:
- Installing nessasary dependancies : npm install
- This Applications runs on 2 servers: 1. authentication server. 2. DataManagement server.
- Both the server connects to Database.
- authentication server maintains authentication and authorization to access different content using jwt tokens.
- Starting the server : npm run devStart2
- server started on port 4000.
- Connection to MongoDB: used mongoose to connect with mongodb.
- Api's in authServer server:
- /users - signup page for entering details to email and password and these stored in mongodb database Mongodb schema designed in model/user.js. api request : https://localhost:4000/users body : { gmail : "" , password : "user123"} -password will convert to hashed password. using bcrypt.
- /users/login - login page authenticating user creating jwt token.
- jwt contains header, payload , secret key : userid , name, access-token-key.
- response from this route will provide us jwt token. api request: https://localhost:4000/users/login body { gmail : "", password: "user123"} This will authenticate user from database. If user signup data present in data base it will generate a jwt token. jwt token will be stored in client side.
- You can user AuthencateToken middleware to authenticate before redirecting to access any data.
- Another Server is running on port 3000:
- run server 2: npm run devStart
- To know better understanding for user and messages interaction run index.html after ran above command.
- Now add another user to server opening index.html on another tab and start sending messages.
- This server handles messages between users: Tech used :, MongoDB connection
- Implemented socket functionalities :
4 scenarios :
- New-user connected to server :this message will broadcast to other users.
- Sending chat message : message entered by user will broadcast to other users connected on the server.(name and message).
- When user disconnected from server : message ("user disconnected") will broadcasted to other users.
- if user set status busy : open ai api will assist the user with messages.
- Message will be stored into database in form of json format.
- { "socketID" : { username : name , socketID : }
- MongoDB schema is designed in /models/content.js. 8. Integrated OpenAI apis in aimodel.js : javascript function - generateChatCompletion() for the required query.