🔭 * I’m currently working on: - I am in the Ambassador Program at SingularityNET.io where I am in the R & D Guild, the Governance Goup and the AI Ethics Workgroup and I'm also involved with the BGI BEGIN NEXUS - Global AI Governance
✍️ * I'm in the process of writing a Whitepaper (Lightpaper?) entitled, "AI Ethicist Beings: Neurodiversity in the Age of Empathic AI: Fostering Human-Machine Connections"
🍏 * I have a tentative offer to develop an Ambassador Program for Lingo.ai [Lingo Pods] which will have a marketplace for PID userdata where anyone can monitize their personal data and it will eventually be a UBI DAO [Universal Basic Income] for every human on Earth!
🌱 * I'm learning:
- GitHub Actions & Workflows
- Prompting LLM's (NLP & ML)
- Emojicode 👩
✈️ ♊🅿️ Ⓜ️
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: * Any positive projects invloving AI Ethics Issues and discussions that time will allow
🤔 I’m looking for help with: * Tips on teaching code to kids
💬 Ask me about: * Going back to school at 35 y/o for Computer Science and learning 14 computer programming languages in 2.5 years
📫 Reach Out!: * I’m glad we can connect here on GitHub. Feel free to drop a line anytime — @colleenpridemore is the "magic tag!"
😄 Pronouns: * She/Her
⚡ Fun fact: * 🤦♀️ -- I have a NeuroDivergent brain.