Contains a number of helpful resources for creating a WP theme. Directory structre as follows:
- /acf-json Contains a JSON file defining the ACF fields required for the theme
- /lib
- gulpfile.js : The themes gulpfile
- package.json : npm packe file
- /pub : The public theme assets
- /css : master css file (regular + min)
- /img : optimized images
- /js : js files (regualr + min & uglified)
- /src : Contains the source files used to generate assets
- /img : raw images
- /js : JS files
- /maps : SASS and JS sources maps for debug/dev tools
- /scss : SCSS Files
/modules : modules contain our various SCSS defintions, but no generate styles until called in partials
- /functions : SCSS Functions, each function returns a value, does not print styles when called
- /mixins : SCSS Mixins, each mixin prints one or more styles when called
- /variables : SCSS variable definitions
/partials : Each page/page section gets its own partial, partials generate CSS
/vendor : 3rd party resources.
- /php : Non template PHP resources, helper classes, functions, etc.
- /parts : wp template parts