Application for Windows enabling picking a color out of Pantone's Uncoated Colors catalog. 2-way search: from reference name to RGB, and from RGB to ref. Matching of the RGB to the closest color and averaging of several picked colors for the best match.
Download the application here.
Type the reference name to immediatly see the color and its RGB values. Type in capital or lowercase, with our without spaces.
You have an RGB and you're looking for the best Pantone color match? Type your RGB value and immediately see the best match. Separate each value with spaces or commas.
You might have noticed, selecting a single color in Pantone's catalog matching the color you want to identify is nearly impossible. So, why selecting only one color? Instead, select as many colors as you think close enough to the color you want to identify and type their references to Pantone Color Picker Averaging. The app will average the RGB values of your selected colors and give you the best match.
This app was developed in C#/WPF by Corentin Altepe and Deniz Ruzgar Sinoplu.
All contributions are welcomed! You might want to add other catalogs to the app (currently, only the Uncoated catalog is implemented) or add features.