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James Conkling edited this page Jun 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the congo-mines-app wiki!

ssh: USER@ -p2020

Crontab: for dumping postgresql database and removing backup files > 20 days old

20 2 * * * /bin/sh /home/mark/backup/cron/scripts/ 30 2 * * * /bin/sh /home/mark/backup/cron/scripts/

A few useful aliases for user 'mark'

alias clite='cd dev/congo-mines-app; rake

database_utilities:create_sqlite3_from_pg_dump; sqlite3

/home/mark/dev/congo-mines-app/db/development.sqlite3 < congo_

User 'deployer' has access/permissions to all files in /var/www/congo-mines-app

sudo su deployer

useful aliases for deployer

alias deploy='cd /var/www/congo-mines-app; git pull;

RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake assets:precompile; RAILS_ENV=production

rake sunspot:solr:reindex;

NOTICE about calling the 'deploy' alias. It seems that the memory is not enough to run the rake precompile so I usually have to stop the webserver for about 30 seconds to deploy. This could be fixed by adding more memory at DigitalOcean. Right now this server sits on a $20 plan with 2GB of memory.


a database diagram exists in congo-mines-app/doc/models_complete.svg


rake sunspot:solr:reindex
rake sunspot:solr:restart  # Restart the Solr instance
rake sunspot:solr:run      # Run the Solr instance in the foreground
rake sunspot:solr:start    # Start the Solr instance
rake sunspot:solr:stop     # Stop the Solr instance

Just run the rake sunspot:solr:start if it ever stops. If for some strange reason it doesnt want to restart do: ps ax | grep 'solr' and kill -9 PROCESS_ID.

Then it should happily restart using: rake sunspot:solr:start

It spawns in the background but must be started up during a system restart.

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