This repository implements a session Wizard to address specific needs at the Swedish National CryoEM Facility at SciLifelab in Stockholm. It contains address two main points:
- Bookkeeping of each microscope session (used for reporting and invoicing)
- Setup for on-the-fly data processing with Scipion
Every time the Session Wizard is started, it will create a new entry in the Sessions database. The Wizard read information from our internal Booking System to retrieve which user has the booking for a given microscope during this day. When the booked user is a National User (with a CEMxxxxx project code) the Wizard also fetch information from the Application Portal to grap PI, project description, etc. All these information is stored in the Session database.
This repository contains a more customized "Scipion-Box" wizard for its usage at the [Swedish National Cryo-EM Facility]().
It setup the data folders for data acquisition and prepare a project for streaming processing with [Scipion](