Hi, I’m cryptokroko515 - Welcome to my Github. I’m interested in cryptocurrencies and the use of scripts for easy crypto portfolio management. I run these on my raspberry pi 3B+ and 4. Also checking out some other cool projects that i stumble upon, like
- _Pihole - Adblocker
- RaspiBlitz - This is a very cool project to do. Easy setup, thanks Rootzoll!
On my github you see a selection made by others (all credits go out to their builders, there are some very cool projects here, but i have not tested all). I just take the time to see if and how it works to get to know code. Focus lies on ETF, Balance, Crypto portfolio.
- https://github.com/leoncvlt/cryptodex Great script for the Kraken exchange with marketcap. Please buy Leonardo a coffee. This script works perfectly.
I am not a qualified licensed investment advisor and I don't have any professional finance experience. What i find useful can be of no use for you. Use everything provided at YOUR OWN RISK! I have no responsibility for any loss or hardship incurred directly or indirectly.