This project illustrates TDD & Clean Architecture implementation in Java, showing the Use Case Driven Development Approach from Alexandre Cuva. It was used to create a base application to show good TDD & BDD practices
We implement a Hello World system with the following use cases:
- Create a name
The following feature still need to be implemented
- view hello world
- view a list of name
- OpenJDK 17
Running build with automated tests:
./mvn test
Running JaCoCo code coverage:
./mvn jacoco:prepare-agent jacoco:report
Running PIT mutation testing:
./mvn pitest:mutationCoverage
Running App Map coverage :
It will automatically create during the test phase, to read the file check on,
See the target
directory for the generated reports for test results, code coverage and mutation testing.
- target/surefire-reports
- target/site/jacoco
- target/pit-reports
- target/appmap
You can find Swagger API UI under http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html