TerminologySpreadsheet is a simple Web-Application for editing Spreadsheet-Tables with optional Terminology-Search Feature.
Feel free to try out our tool at http://mosd.cuwolf.de
Entering research data into spreadsheets with Excel or Libre Office is currently a common way. If others later on want to reuse these data they are very often facing the problem of not knowing exactly what the entered keywords in the cells describe exactly and need to contact the researcher for further information. To solve these problems there are currently some terminology-services like gfbio available. These services offer the ability to search for keywords in different terminology-databases for animal names, geo locations and so on. There one finds the standartized keywords and further information like Taxonomy and classification of e.g. an animal name.
This web-application offers an online spreadsheet editor with (optional) integrated search for terminologies and keywords. When exporting and saving your spreadsheet, you have the ability to not only save the terminology-text it self. You can also export the database source and further information of the searched terminology.
Please have in mind currently open bugs or add a new bug if you found one there. We hope that we find time to solve them :-).
About this project
TerminologySpreadsheet was developed as part of a small project for the seminar "Management of Scientific Data" (in short MOSD) at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
About the commits authored by "MOSD Projekt Gruppe"
At the beginning one user shared the project in a collaborative live session, so everybody can work on the project synchroneously in real time. Commits and pushes that where performed during a LiveShare-Session with Visual Studio Code to our own git-Instance are authored by a git user called "MOSD Projekt Gruppe".
For publishing we have choosen GitHub afterwards and cuwolf-de pushed the whole git tree to GitHub later.