Implementation of "Track-clustering Error Evaluation for Track-based Multi-Camera Tracking System Employing Human Re-identification". CW. Wu, MT. Zhong, SY. Chien, YK. Chen, SW. Yang, Y. Tsao. CVPR 2017 workshop on re-identification and multi-target multi-camera tracking.[1]
Note that this is developed based on DukeMTMC's evaluation kit v1.00, included in the MOT challenge. For more detail regarding DukeMTMC's multi-camera tracking dataset[2], please refer to their website:
MOT challenge:
Graet thanks to Ergys Ristani for letting us to use his code!
If you have any problems or come across any bugs, please contact
- MATLAB (tested on Windows only with MATLAB R2016b & 2013a)
Run demoDukeMTMCEvaluate.m
and it will compute T-MCT and MCT score for DukeMTMC's baseline results on the "val" set.
This is what you should expect for after ~30 min.:
Test set: val
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
74.19 84.06 66.39 13.47 11.49 16.28
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
54.76 62.04 49.00 35.78 39.40 32.77
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
60.47 91.59 45.13 25.00 100.00 14.29
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
78.83 81.44 76.39 6.57 4.73 10.77
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
78.79 91.55 69.16 12.50 25.00 8.33
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
77.65 82.19 73.59 10.53 6.67 25.00
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
80.81 85.93 76.27 NaN 0.00 0.00
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
70.27 77.57 64.23 17.73 14.33 23.26
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
85.20 90.14 80.77 11.76 11.11 12.50
IDF1 IDP IDR ClustF1 ClustP ClustR
73.66 89.18 62.75 9.76 15.38 7.14
For computing CLEAR measures for SCT at the same time, please execute the script demoDukeMTMCEvaluate_with_SCT.m
. Expect about 1~2 hr. for the results if tested on "val" set (~25 min. long).
More detail can be found in our paper.
- 3D world plane evaluation is not supported.
- Calucating CLEAR measures take a lot of time, so we single out the script with it incorperated in.
- Results of our ReID-MCT system will be added later.
- Track-clustering Error Evaluation for Track-based Multi-Camera Tracking System Employing Human Re-identification. CW. Wu, MT. Zhong, SY. Chien, YK. Chen, SW. Yang, Y. Tsao. CVPR 2017 workshop on re-identification and multi-target multi-camera tracking.[pdf]
- Performance Measures and a Data Set for Multi-Target, Multi-Camera Tracking. E. Ristani, F. Solera, R. S. Zou, R. Cucchiara and C. Tomasi. ECCV 2016 Workshop on Benchmarking Multi-Target Tracking.[pdf]
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Updated by Chih-Wei Wu on June. 2017.