The built-in certutil utility in CMD is not ideal for use in a Dockerfile, primarily because it prints out multiple lines and lacks a -c option for file verification. To avoid relying on third-party solutions from unknown authors, I've created my own sha256sum.exe utility.
The Makefile is designed for use with MSVC. Specifically, I've developed it using VS 2022 version v17.7.4.
- Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022.
- Navigate to the folder containing the Makefile.
- Run the
Alternatively, you can open the Solution file in the Visual Studio IDE.
sha256sum [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Option | Description |
-c, --check | read checksums from the FILE and check them, input must be UTF-8 encoded |
-b, --binary | read in binary mode, this is default |
-t, --text | read in text mode, fails because WinAPI's ReadFile/CreateFile only reads in binary mode |
-q, --quiet | don't print OK, just FAILED if checks fail |
-s, --status | don't print anything, just return status code |
-w, --warn | shows SHA256SUMS errors |
-v, --version | shows program's version |
Here's how to use the utility:
sha256sum.exe myText.txt
sha256sum.exe *.txt
sha256sum.exe hello.txt world.txt
sha256sum.exe *.txt > SHA256SUMS
sha256sum.exe -c SHA256SUMS
Code | Name | Description |
1 | MAIN_FAILED_TO_FIND_FILES | WinAPI's FindFirstFile was not able to find files wth given FILE arguments |
2 | PARSE_ARGS_MISSING_PARAMETER | too few arguments, at least 1 is required |
3 | PARSE_ARGS_MISSING_SHASUMS_FILE | -c argument found but missing following sum file, -c <FILE> |
4 | PARSE_ARGS_ALLOCATE_ERROR | memory allocation failed for file list, memory low? |
5 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE | failed to open FILE, check permissions, if file exists |
6 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_OPEN_ALG_HANDLE | failed to open algorithm handle[1] |
7 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE | failed to calculate hash buffer size[1] |
8 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_HASH_OBJECT | failed to allocate hash object[1] |
9 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_CALC_HASH_LENGTH | failed to calculate hash length[1] |
10 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_HASH_BUFFER | failed to allocate hash buffer[1] |
11 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_CREATE_HASH | failed to create hash[1] |
12 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_READ | failed to read from given FILE |
13 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_HASH | failed to hash[1] |
14 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_FINISH_HASH | failed to finish hash[1] |
15 | CALC_HASH_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_FILE_HASH | failed to allocate memory for file hash, check your memory |
16 | PARSE_LINE_INVALID_HASH_TOKEN | invalid hash token may happen if the line does not contain spaces |
17 | PARSE_LINE_INVALID_HASH_LENGTH | fails when the token is not 64 characters long |
18 | PARSE_LINE_INAVLID_FILE | fails if the file does not have a second string after the space(s) |
19 | CHECK_SUMS_FAILED_TO_OPEN_SUM_FILE | failed to open -c FILE |
20 | CHECK_SUMS_LINE_TOO_LONG | line in sum file is longer exceeds internal buffer (1024) |
21 | CHECK_SUMS_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_WIDE_BUFFER1 | line buffer allocation for UTF-16 failed |
22 | CHECK_SUMS_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_FILE_HASH1 | file hash object allocation failed |
23 | CHECK_SUMS_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_WIDE_BUFFER2 | line buffer allocation for UTF-16 failed[2] |
24 | CHECK_SUMS_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_FILE_HASH2 | file hash object allocation failed[2] |
25 | CHECK_SUMS_FAILED_TO_READ | failed to read from -c FILE |
26 | CHECK_SUM_CHECKSUM_FAILED | checksum verification failed |
27 | PRINT_HASH_FAILED_GET_FULL_PATH_NAME | failed to determine absolute path of file |
28 | PRINT_HASH_FAILED_STRING_LENGTH | failed to determine string length for printing hashes |
29 | PRINT_HASH_FAILED_STRING_CAT1 | failed to concatenate relative paths for printing hashes |
30 | PRINT_HASH_FAILED_STRING_CAT2 | failed to concatenate relative paths for printing hashes |
[1] This should never occur. sha256sum.exe uses Microsoft's Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) with fixed values. If this happens the system is probably missing the CNG.
[2] There is a duplication for parsing the file when the end of file is not reached yet and for the remaining characters that are still in the read buffer.
I made several decisions regarding the APIs used in the code:
- OpenSSL's EVP Functions: My initial attempt involved using these, but I encountered issues with static linking.
- Go Implementation: Resulted in a larger file size than desired.
- CNG and Windows API: The current implementation uses these native APIs to minimize dependencies and file size.