EGRE_MUD - A MUD engine built on EGRE, the Erlang Graph Rules Engine
EGRE_MUD is the go-between for EGRE, the graph rules engine, and any MUD that uses the rules engine.
flowchart TD
em1["egre_mud_1"] --> em["egre_mud"]
etd["egre_tower_defence"] --> ea["egre_arcade"]
em & ea --> e["egre"]
EGRE_MUD handles:
- player connections through websockets
- loading rules from a MUD (e.g. EGRE_MUD_1)
- passing player input to the graph (i.e. EGRE)
- passing MUD output back to players
EGRE_MUD was split off of GERLSHMUD and is just the MUD engine. It will use EGRE for the rules engine and will not implement anything being a test MUD.
How it Works (short version): All MUD elements (rooms, characters, attributes, weapons, spells) are rule engine processes. Processes live in a graph. Messages propagate through the graph. Messages succeed or fail. Messages can be: generated, resent, broadcast, failed, passed, subscribed to.