- Overview
- Acceptance Criteria
- Application Demo
- Links
- Built with
- What we learned
- Directions for future development
- Useful resources
- Authors
- Acknowledgements
Are you in the mood for a delicious cocktail, but don't know what to make? Or maybe you need a quote to brighten up your day?
Well, look no further because MoodMix has got you covered! Our app is a one-stop-shop for all your mood-boosting needs. We combine the power of mixology, gastronomy, and inspiration to create a unique experience for our users.
But wait, it gets even better! Our team of frontend web development wizards used their magic to make MoodMix not only functional but also visually appealing. We promise, using MoodMix will be easier than solving a Rubik's cube, and much more delicious.
And let's not forget about the collaboration and Git mastery that went into creating this masterpiece. We faced challenges, but we also had a lot of laughs. After all, laughter is the best ingredient in any recipe, right?
So why wait? Start sipping and savoring your emotions with MoodMix today!
One sip and bite at a time... 🍸 🤤
Must use at least two server-side APIs
Must use CSS framework
Must used client-side storage to store persistent data
Must have a polished UI
Must meed good quality coding standards
Must not use alerts, confirms or prompts
Must be deployed to GitHub Pages
Must be interactive (i.e. accept and respond to user input)
The following animation demonstrates the application functionality:
- Thirsty or feeling peckish?, click on this link: MoodMix
Server APIs
Local Storage
This project presented several challenges, including agreeing on the content, style, and functionality of the application, as well as managing different pace of group work. However, through effective collaboration and communication, we were able to overcome these challenges and successfully complete the project.
We learned the importance of clear and consistent communication, as well as the value of a well-defined development process. We also discovered that utilizing version control tools like GitHub and Git allowed us to work together efficiently and effectively, even from different locations. Additionally, we gained hands-on experience working with modern frontend technologies and tools, honing our skills and strengthening our understanding of web development.
Overall, the group frontend development project was a valuable learning experience that taught us about the challenges and rewards of working on a large-scale project as a team. We are proud of what we have accomplished and look forward to applying the lessons we learned to future projects.
Things for the future include:
Adding sound effects for improved interactivity
Favorited items to save to a server rather than local storage so they can keep these forever.
Using Geoapify to provide the user with a map showing their nearest restaurants based on their selected meal and drinks
Additional drink options such as soft drinks, water and fruit juice
The option to choose either just a cocktail or drink
©️ HEV Squad 2023 (Helena, Emilie and Vinh). All Rights Reserved.
GitHub - cyberrie
GitHub - EmilieLondon
GitHub - VinhKietLa
First and foremost, we would like to thank our taste buds. Without their constant craving for delicious cocktails and mouth-watering meals, MoodMix wouldn't exist.
We would also like to thank the internet, for providing endless inspiration in the form of quotes from famous people.
Next, we would like to acknowledge the power of teamwork. Without our fantastic team of developers, MoodMix would be nothing but a pipe dream.
Special thanks to our tutors Andrew and Dane for helping us out with some challenges during this group project 💛
Last but not least, we want to thank our users. You are the reason we do what we do. So sit back, grab a drink, and let MoodMix elevate your mood.