Custom color schemes, both themes and language definitions, for Notepad++.
I upload here themes and color schemes I love to use with Notepad++, including some definitions for not-so-popular languages I use often (full list below)
Everything painfully handcrafted by a human 💝.
User-defined languages in Notepad++ are mostly (painfully) handcrafted. UDL styler files will override your theme colors, in many instances (see the official reference for more details). For this reason, this repository is structured in folders organized by supported themes.
You may install all themes without conflict.
You may want to choose to install only the UDLs of your go-to theme. All UDLs in this repository indicate which theme they are compatible with.
This repository includes original third-party themes as git submodules. Downloading the repository won't download the original themes.
Cloning the repository will not clone the original themes. You'll have to run the following commands first:
git submodule init
git submodule update
or run git clone
with the --recurse-submodules
If in trouble, consult the official guide on how to install Notepad++ themes.
- Close Notepad++;
- Clone this repository locally, or download a copy;
- Import the xml files from this repository
by placing them in yourthemes\
- For most installations, copy the content of the
folder to%APPDATA%\Roaming\Notepad++\themes
- If you have multiple users on the same computer, and want the theme available to all users on that machine, put it into
C:\Program Files\Notepad++\themes\
(orC:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes for a 32-bit Notepad++
) - For portable installations, instead put the themes in the
sub-folder under the directory where your portablenotepad++.exe
- Restart Notepad++
- Select your newly installed theme from Preferences > Style Configurator
If in trouble, consult the official guide on how to install Notepad++ UDLs.
- Close Notepad++;
- Clone this repository locally, or download a copy;
- Import the xml files from this repository
by placing them in your localuserDefinedLangs
- For most installations, copy the content of the
- Restart Notepad++.
Default: this folder contains vanilla (light) UDL definitions for all supported languages from this package;
- Dark Mode Default is supported as well;
Cydonia: Handcrafted theme based on vanilla npp Blackboard theme made by me;
Material Dark: I loved ths theme a lot, many kudos to naderi for this one;
Material Palenight: Lovely porting of one of the most popular dark coding themes, many kudos to samsebastien for this.
- Markdown
I like to play with fonts as well. My recommendation for something popular would be Fira Code, although it needs some steps to make it work fine on Notepad++.
My go-to workhorse font would be Consolas.
It's much easier to talk palettes than anything else :D