file format is a format used by banks to allow for batch transactions. Some bank have adopted this format by default, but each others can have a different format style. This module allows you to create a cemtext format by your own style—that means you can use it to meet your bank cemtext requirements. This module is fast, easy to understand, and more humanable.
npm install vcmcemtex --save
// Bower
bower install vcmcemtex --save
const vcmcemtex = require('vcmcemtex');
// Bower
<script src="bower_components/vcmcemtex/dist/vcmcemtex.min.js"></script>
vcmcemtex(params, options[optional]).then(cemtex => {
- object params
- object header [optional]
- object detail [optional]
- object keys
- array data
- object footer [optional]
- object options [optional]
- string charlen [optional]
- default 160
- boolean enter [optional]
- default false
- If true will add
(enter) at every end of string.
- string charlen [optional]
- object params
- string type
- lps | lpz | rps | rpz
- default rps
- LPS (Left Padding Space)
- LPZ (Left Padding Zero)
- RPS (Right Padding Space)
- RPZ (Right Padding Zero)
- number length
- string|integer value
- default ''
- string|integer default
- default ''
- The default value to be used if there is no given value.
- string countFromDetail
- Use this if you want to count a number value from a key in params
. You can see the usage on examples bellow. - Only works on
- Use this if you want to count a number value from a key in params
- boolean countAllData
- default false
- This will count all data in params
and made it as a value. - Only works on
- boolean removeDot
- default false
- This will remove all dots.
- boolean removeSpace
- default false
- This will remove all spaces.
- boolean decimal
- default true
- This will convert float or decimal format to number.
- string type
Each successful generated row in a cemtext has length that equal to charlen
—default is 160 characters. So it is 160 header length, 160 detail length (per 1 row), and 160 footer length. Example:
// string | length 4
// string | length 8
// and the cemtext output will be like this (in single string/one row):
'charusername '
You can change default charlen
value by passing an options in second argument.
A simple cemtext format can be done like this:
header: {
header1: { type: 'lps', length: 10, value: 'header' }
detail: {
keys: {
detail1: { type: 'lps', length: 10 }
data: [
detail1: 'detail'
footer: {
footer1: { type: 'lps', length: 10, value: 'footer' }
}).then(cemtex => {
// output
// ' header detail footer '
object has 3 main keys; header
, detail
, and footer
. You don't have to use them (optional), but it's always good to use them for best practice style.
If you prefer to use key detail
, the key must have key keys
and data
. keys
is an object, and the data
must be an array object. The object keys between keys
and data
should be same, for example if keys
has a key called detail1
, then key data
should contains a key called detail1
—similliar to attribute value
in header
and footer
You can see other examples bellow:
var data = [
name: 'John Doe',
username: 'johndoe',
email: 'johndoe@email.com',
accountNumber: '123456789',
testAmount: '12500'
name: 'John Smith',
username: 'johnsmith',
email: 'johnsmith@email.com',
accountNumber: '123456789',
testAmount: '12500'
name: 'John Adam',
header: {
record: { type: 'lps', length: 1, value: '1' },
branch: { type: 'lpz', value: '1234' },
name: { type: 'rps', value: 'HEADER NAME' },
date: { type: 'lpz', value: '20190211' },
test1: { type: 'rps', value: 'test1' },
test2: { type: 'rps', value: 'test2' }
detail: {
keys: {
name: { type: 'rps', length: 10, default: '' },
username: { type: 'rps', length: 10, default: '' },
email: { type: 'rps', length: 20, default: '' },
accountNumber: { type: 'lpz', length: 10, default: '' },
testAmount: { type: 'lpz', length: 10, default: '' }
data: data
footer: {
record: { type: 'lpz', length: 1, value: '3' },
totalData: { type: 'lpz', length: 11, countAllData: true },
totalAmount: { type: 'lpz', length: 11, countFromDetail: 'testAmount' }
}, {
charlen: 200
}).then(cemtex => {
// output
// '11234HEADER NAME20190211test1test2 John Doe johndoe johndoe@email.com 01234567890000012500 John Smithjohnsmith johnsmith@email.com 01234567890000012500 John Adam 00000000000000000000 30000000000300000025000 '
Using an option enter
header: {
testHeader: { type: 'lps', length: 1, value: '1' },
branch: { type: 'lpz', value: '1234' },
name: { type: 'rps', value: 'HEADER NAME' },
date: { type: 'rpz', value: '20190211' },
test1: { type: 'rps', value: 'test1' },
test2: { type: 'rps', value: 'test2' }
footer: {
thisIsFooter: { type: 'lps', length: 1, value: '3' },
footer1: { type: 'lpz', value: '1000000' },
footer2: { type: 'rps', value: '2000000' }
}, {
enter: true
}).then(cemtex => {
// output
// 11234HEADER NAME20190211test1test2
// 310000002000000
See https://github.com/dalikewara/vcmcemtex/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md.
Copyright © 2019 Dali Kewara.