This project demonstrates how one could use values to perform navigation in a similar-ish API to how SwiftUI's new NavigationStack
Use the addDestination(for:destination:)
API to add handlers for value types. These are typed, so value
in this example is always a String
NavigationController(rootViewController: ViewController())
.addDestination(for: String.self) { value in
UIHostingController(rootView: StringView(value: value))
This acts as a stack where the last definition for a value type wins – for example if another addDestination call occured after this also handling a String type, that latter definition would be used instead.
From a view controller (or any responder in the responder chain) you can then call navigate(to:)
providing the value you wish to nagivate to.
// Inside a view controller
Button(title: “Show Hello World") {
self.navigate(to: “Hello World!")
Instead of using Mocks, you could use a proper NavigationController
with custom destination handlers to verify that the correct values come out when performing actions.
There are alternative methods for handling the destination creation. Another idea might be to have a private view controller that acts as a parent to, but adds the destination creation in the responder chain. In this way, as the call to navigate(to:)
goes up the responder chain it can intercepted by one of these destination creator view controllers to create the destination view controller and push that on a vanilla UINavigationController