The code was written by Chein Chang, Darren Lee, Jamie Wang and Yoyo Zheng.
Initially, We came across a video from a YouTuber demonstrating how artificial intelligence can transform a sketch into a realistic photograph, which I found quite interesting. This inspired me to consider the possibility of using a database of photos to allow people to draw their ideal partner and then compare the resulting image to find the person who most closely resembles it, enabling individuals to visualize what their ideal dream partner might look like.
It is an IOS app, that you can draw a face portrait, then It will find the most similar peoples.
Using Mysql 8.0, WorkBench
- Unzip mix.7z
- Create database name "lover_generator"
- Import mix into db
- Select gender Male and Female into View
CREATE VIEW `male` AS SELECT * FROM mix WHERE gender = "Male"
CREATE VIEW `female` AS SELECT * FROM mix WHERE gender = "Female"
- Unzip images data set into E drive
- both images1024x1024.7z and resized_images1024x1024.7z
Create Virtual Enviroment
conda create -n fastapi_env python=3.8.0
conda activate fastapi_env
Install dependcy
pip install -r requirment
Start Server
uvicorn fastapi_server:app --reload --host