As a user
- NAVBAR goed stylen// check padding?
- KNIKKER weghalen bij de NAVBAR
- Add picture on facebook for chicken
- box shadow for all images: from product hunt!
- Check flash messages: they are behind the view and too broad! position absolute rught 0, top 0 left 0!
- Week 1 on top of title not below it. no margin bottom, margin top: 30;
- add
on link to challenge in mailer - nice styling to logged hours on avatar
- Add
on avatar - if photo is size 2: made it smaller
- after Deadline: winner met eind score on show challenge & index! font awesome beker naast naam winnaar!!
- Improve button on edit form (style from new_challenge)
- If you do not enter correct information in edit_challenge it reloads the page without the proper background color, why?
- Goed kijken naar de afronding van de getallen van de wager: centen klein ernaast
- BEFORE and AFTER starting : not able to log times
- Database opnieuw inrichten met dummy content
- before starting: on show, show startdate!
- Challenger has not yet accepted flash-alert message do not show this on preview_challenge page
- Reverse order of challenges shown on dashboard to latest first (instead of oldest first)
- show_challenge javascript submit logged_hours 'save' should close whoop container create.js.erb or refresh the page
- fix margins to remove tons and tons of whitespace in mail
Login < alles weg behalve FACEBOOK
new_challenge change javascript to ignore period (.) in e-mail addresses
edit_challenge change active_state on submit button to get rid of ugly black border (text-decoration:none)
Add padding to alert-flash messages on mobile
Make it so all the javascript update on new_challenge on keydown, so when you 'tab' in your email it still registers it at the point you enter the amount.
Remove margin-top on show_challenge to get rid of the ugly, ugly white bars everywhere
Redesign dropdown topright corner into branding style
Logo missing a slash in the mail
- Dashboard
The dashboard is nice and shows part of your profile, my own activity, I can list my challenges
Make dashboard responsive
fix accept/decline/delete/concede buttons in dashboard
Try to fix lots of empty space in emails
- Implement new copy
- Add wager description and name to email in some relevant way, somewhere, maybe.
- Test challenge from creation to completion (winner, checkpoints etc.)
- test with token sending
- investigate ugly white bars between challenge_show and whoop add_logged_times thingy
- Formulate questions new challenge
- formulate questions and fillers edit challenge
- formulate challenge preview
- formulate mailer content
- think of dummy activities for presentation
- think of what story to tell during presentation
- Add styling to email
- Make template for how we email the Checkpoints
- Make template for end score: after week 4: who is winner and who lost!
User should be able to log out (INVALID AUTHENTICITY TOKEN, the change you wanted was rejected)
the logged hours should be seen on the photo
Add link from email to challenge with token
name_challenger visible untill chalenge is accepted
SUMMARY na de drie vragen voor je op SEND drukt
I get weekly updates through email (email verification api verhaal)
NAVBAR goed doorlinken
Check if email works!
CREATE>JS>ERB goed fixen: gelogde tijden hebben meteen invloed op de image, niet na reload!!
create a migration to change datetime to date!!!
I can create a challenge: (Challlenger controller new + create)
edit a challenge
in which I can invite a friend by email
with the wager and the wager should have a amount / description / name
with a deadline
with an allotment
with an opponent
with an activity
with a name
I can accept a challenge (challenge controller accept)
I can decline a challenge(challenge controller decline)
I can concede a challenge(challenge controller concede)
I can route to my dashboard!
I can login (devise login)
I can signup by creating a profile with email, foto, name(or FB) (devise signup through FB Omiauth)
I can see a challenge (with my current score, my opponents score and my activity)(Challenge controller Show)
I can log my hours spend on the activity (Logged_time controller new usage of Ajax if possible(see lecture reviews) )
'''''' Extra's - / In which I can discuss the allotment and deadline / // I can edit my profile // // I can negotiate the terms(deadline, allotment, wager) of the challenge //
- Change the end date to dd/mm/yy instead of a full stamp!! Figure out why it is going back in time three days
- edit and new challenge: styling
- show challenge: balken moeten kloppen, + score meter
- Pagina maken waar vanuit de mail wordt doorgelinkt om zo te kunnen accepteren of afwijzen (routes)
- NAVBAR staat nog op stand waarbij het iets moet doen als ie klein word (colom xs die reageert ergens)
- waarden in show aanpassen aan ingevulde velden
- my logged hours change the size of my image
- Start date not in the past!
- Changing of the image should have a maximum
- Also send the creator an e-mail if the challenger has accepted
create a user// Invite a second user// Creation of Challenge// See challenge// Log time spent// See score//
fancy stats @ index list challenges FB login Email notifications Chat with opponent
Ajax time logging Ajax chatting Dynamic altered visual score Dynamic examples of activities
FIREWORK ANIMATIONS when you won Animated button Membership program Challenge multi players Create more months for a challenge Business model payment system Possibility of challenging unknown people possibility of challenging someone with a different activity