Simple lightbox without nav, check it out
- Copy the CSS and place it in your project
- For every image create a lightbox code block, be sure to give it the input a unique id and refer to the id on the label.
- Specify your image source on the img element.
<div class="lightbox-image">
<input type="checkbox" id="lightbox-1" name="lightbox" />
<label for="lightbox-1">
<img src="./images/cat.jpg" alt="Loading cat" />
All the images have a checkbox input and when the check box is checked the image in the label expands. When an images is clicked again it toggles the checkbox off
Simple lightbox with nav, check it out
- Include the JS for the nav in your project
- Add the HTML for the navigation somewhere (preferably in the same container, but it doesn't really matter) on the page where you placed your lightboxes
<div class="collapsed" id="lightbox-nav">
<button id="previous">‹</button>
<button id="next">›</button>