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[nested-grid] Polish docs
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kimo-k committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent b4fb7c6 commit d38687d
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Showing 2 changed files with 160 additions and 83 deletions.
29 changes: 19 additions & 10 deletions src/re_com/nested_grid.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,6 +263,16 @@
:height "100%"
:width "100%"}}])])))))

(defn header-spacer-part [_] "")

(defn header-spacer-wrapper-part [{:keys [theme x y header-spacer]}]
(let [props (-> {:style
{:grid-column (inc x)
:grid-row (inc y)}}
(theme/apply {:part ::header-spacer} theme))]
[:div props
[u/part header-spacer props header-spacer-part]]))

(defn scroll-container [{:keys [scroll-top scroll-left width height]} child]
[:div {:style {:max-height height
:max-width width
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,7 +322,7 @@
(swap! column-state update-in [path :width]
#(+ distance (or % (column-header-prop path :width column-width)))))]
(fn [& {:keys [column-tree row-tree cell
cell-wrapper column-header-wrapper column-header row-header row-header-wrapper
cell-wrapper column-header-wrapper column-header row-header row-header-wrapper header-spacer-wrapper header-spacer
max-height column-width column-header-height row-header-width row-height
show-export-button? on-export on-export-success on-export-failure
Expand All @@ -324,7 +334,8 @@
show-export-button? true
show-branch-paths? false
on-export-column-header pr-str}}]
(let [themed (fn [part props] (theme/apply props {:part part} {}))
(let [theme {}
themed (fn [part props] (theme/apply props {:part part} theme))
column-paths (spec->headers* column-tree)
column-leaf-paths (leaf-paths column-paths)
leaf-column? (set column-leaf-paths)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,14 +471,12 @@
:show? (show? path :row)}]]
^{:key [::row (or path (gensym))]}
[u/part row-header-wrapper props row-header-wrapper-part]))
header-spacer-cells (doall
(for [y (range column-depth)
x (range row-depth)]
^{:key [::header-spacer x y]}
[:div (themed ::header-spacer
{:grid-column (inc x)
:grid-row (inc y)}})]))
header-spacer-cells (for [y (range column-depth)
x (range row-depth)]
^{:key [::header-spacer x y]}
[u/part header-spacer-wrapper
{:theme theme :x x :y y :header-spacer header-spacer}
cells (doall
(for [column-path showing-column-paths
row-path showing-row-paths
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214 changes: 141 additions & 73 deletions src/re_demo/nested_grid.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[:code ":column-tree"] ","
[:code ":column-spec"] ","
[:code ":column-path"] ", etc..."]
[:ul {:style {:width 400}}
[:li [p "A " [:code ":column-spec"] " describes a single column."]
[:li "For instance, the " [:strong "Basic Demo"] " uses "
[:code ":a"] " as a " [:code ":column-spec"] "."]
[:li "Besides keywords, you can use " [:i "almost any"] " type of value."]
[:li "You " [:i "can't"] " use vectors or lists (these are reserved for the "
[:code ":column-tree"] ")."]
[:li "At Day8, we tend to use maps. For instance, "
[:pre "{:id :a
[title2 "Column Spec"]
[p "A " [:code ":column-spec"] " describes a single column."]
[:li "For instance, the " [:strong "Basic Demo"] " uses "
[:code ":a"] " as a " [:code ":column-spec"] "."]
[:li "You can use " [:i "almost any"] " type of value (not just keywords)."]
[:li "You " [:i "can't"] " use vectors or lists (these are reserved for the "
[:code ":column-tree"] ")."]
[:li "At Day8, we tend to use maps. For instance, "
[:pre {:style {:width 400}} "{:id :a
:column-label \"A\"
:special-business-logic ::xyz}"]]]]
[:li "A " [:code ":column-tree"] "describes a nested arrangement of columns."
[:li "There are parent columns, and they can have child columns, "
"which can have their own child columns, etc..."]
[:li "In practice, a " [:code ":column-tree"] " is a vector (or list) of "
[:code ":column-spec"] "values."]
[:li "The most basic case is a flat tree: " [:code "[:a :b :c]"] "."]
[:li "A nested tree looks like: " [:code "[:a [1 2] :b [3 4]]"] "."]
[:li "In that case: "
[:li [:code ":a"] " and " [:code ":b"] " are siblings, each with two children."]
[:li [:code "1"] " and " [:code "2"] " are siblings, both children of " [:code ":a"]]]]]]
[:li "A " [:code ":column-path"] " describes a distinct location within a "
[:code ":column-tree"] "."
[:li ""]
[:li "Given a " [:code ":column-tree"] ", " [:code ":nested-grid"]
" derives all the " [:code ":column-path"] "s it contains, mapping the "
[:code ":cell"] " function over all of them."]]]
[:li [:code ":row-spec"] ", " [:code ":row-tree"] " and " [:code ":row-paths"]
" have all the same properties as their column equivalents."]
[:li "A " [:i "position"] " combines one " [:code ":row-path"]
" with one " [:code ":column-path"] "."
[:li "Rendering one cell means evaluating the " [:code ":cell"] "function, "
"by passing in keyword arguments "
[:code ":row-path"] " and " [:code ":column-path"]
" (i.e., the " [:i "position"] ")."]]]]]])
:special-business-logic ::xyz}"]]]
[title2 "Column Tree"]
[p "A " [:code ":column-tree"] "describes a nested arrangement of columns."
[:li "In practice, a " [:code ":column-tree"] " is a vector (or list) of "
[:code ":column-spec"] "values."]
[:li "There are parent columns, and they can have child columns, "
"which can have their own child columns, etc..."]
[:li "The most basic case is a flat tree: " [:code "[:a :b :c]"] "."]
[:li "A nested tree looks like: " [:code "[:a [1 2] :b [3 4]]"] "."]
[:li "In that case: "
[:li [:code ":a"] " and " [:code ":b"] " are siblings, each with two children."]
[:li [:code "1"] " and " [:code "2"] " are siblings, both children of " [:code ":a"]]]]]]
[title2 "Column Path"]
[p "A " [:code ":column-path"] " describes a distinct ancestry within a "
[:code ":column-tree"] "."
[:li "For the " [:code ":column-tree"] " above, " [:code "[:a [1 2] :b [3 4]]"] ", its " [:code ":column-path"] "s are: "
[:pre "[[:a] [:a 1] [:a 2] [:b] [:b 1] [:b 2]]"]]]]
[title2 "Row"]
[p "Everything described above applies to rows, as well. " [:code ":row-spec"] ", " [:code ":row-tree"] " and " [:code ":row-path"]
" have all the same properties as their column equivalents."]
[title2 "Cell & Header Functions"]
[p [:code "nested-grid"] " accepts " [:code ":column-header"] ", " [:code ":row-header"] ", " [:code ":header-spacer"] " and " [:code ":cell"] " props. Each is a function." [:code "nested-grid"] " calls each function to render the following locations:"
:header-spacer (constantly [:div {:style {:color "grey"}} ":header-spacer"])
:column-width 100
:column-tree [":column-header" [{:id (gensym) :label ":column-header"}
{:id (gensym) :label ":column-header"}]]
:row-tree [":row-header" [{:id (gensym) :label ":row-header"}
{:id (gensym) :label "row-header"}]]
:cell (constantly ":cell")]
[p "Each prop has a reasonable default, except for " [:code ":cell"] "."
"Your " [:code ":cell"] " function will be passed two keyword arguments, "
[:code ":column-path"] " and " [:code ":row-path"] ". It can return either a string or a hiccup."]]]])

(defn intro-column []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,7 +259,8 @@
"for above nested-grid"
[p "Here, we use " [:i "header specs"] " like " [:code "multiply"]
" and " [:code "lookup"] " to build a multi-modal view of the source data."]
" and " [:code "lookup"] " to build a multi-modal view of the source data."
" In other words, the combined " [:code ":column-path"] " and " [:code ":row-path"] " express not just " [:i "what"] " to show in the cell, but also " [:i "how"] " to show it."]
[:pre "(def lookup-table [[\"🚓\" \"🛵\" \"🚲\" \"🛻\" \"🚚\"]
[\"🍐\" \"🍎\" \"🍌\" \"🥝\" \"🍇\"]
[\"🐕\" \"🐎\" \"🧸\" \"🐈\" \"🐟\"]])
Expand All @@ -282,10 +286,30 @@
(apply merge))]
(operator left right)))]"]]])

(defn basic-demo []
(defn header-demo []

(defn internals-demo []
:column-tree [{:id "Tree" :width 130}
{:id "Leaf Paths" :width 155}
{:id "All Paths" :width 180}]
:row-tree [{:label "Basic" :tree [:a :b :c]}
{:label "Nested" :tree [:a [:b :c]]}
{:label "Branching" :tree [:a [:b] :c [:d]]}
{:label "Explicit" :tree [[:a [:b :c]]
[:d [:e :f]]]}
{:label "Typed" :tree [:kw 42 "str" {:k :map}]}]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path] [{:keys [tree]}] :row-path}]
(case (:id (last column-path))
"Tree" (str tree)
"Leaf Paths" (str (vec (nested-grid/leaf-paths
(nested-grid/header-spec->header-paths tree))))
"All Paths" (str (nested-grid/header-spec->header-paths tree))))]
[p "This table demonstrates how " [:code "nested-grid"] " derives a vector of " [:code ":column-path"] "s from a " [:code ":column-tree"] "."]
:justify :between
Expand All @@ -302,6 +326,7 @@
:row-tree [1 2 3]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(str column-path row-path))]"]]]
[p "Here, the " [:code ":cell"] " function simply prints the " [:code ":column-path"] " and " [:code ":row-path"] " it gets passed."]
:justify :between
Expand All @@ -320,6 +345,7 @@
2 [:x :y]]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(str column-path row-path))]"]]]
[p "Same " [:code ":cell"] " function, but with a nested " [:code ":row-tree"] "."]
:justify :between
Expand All @@ -338,38 +364,79 @@
:row-tree [:x [5 6] :y [7 8]]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
[:i {:style {:color \"grey\"}}
(str column-path row-path)])]"]]]]])

(defn header-demo []
(str column-path row-path)])]"]]]
[p "This " [:code ":cell"] " function returns a hiccup, not just a string."]
:justify :between
:column-tree [:a :b :c]
:row-tree [[1 [:x :y]]
[2 [:x :y]]]
:column-width 55
:column-header-height 25
:row-header-width 30
:show-branch-paths? true
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(str column-path row-path))]
[:pre {:style {:margin-top 19}} "[nested-grid
:show-branch-paths? true
:column-tree [:a :b :c]
:row-tree [1 [:x :y]
2 [:x :y]]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(str column-path row-path))]"]]]
[p "When passed " [:code ":show-branch-paths? true"]
", more cells get rendered. " [:code "[1]"] " and " [:code "[2]"] " count as "
"branch paths, since they have children in the " [:code ":row-tree"] ". By default, these are not shown by default."]]])

(defn internals-demo []
(defn basic-demo []
[[p "This table demonstrates how " [:code "nested-grid"] " derives a vector of " [:code ":column-path"] "s from a " [:code ":column-tree"] ":"]
:column-tree [{:id "Tree" :width 130}
{:id "Leaf Paths" :width 155}
{:id "All Paths" :width 180}]
:row-tree [{:label "Basic" :tree [:a :b :c]}
{:label "Nested" :tree [:a [:b :c]]}
{:label "Branching" :tree [:a [:b] :c [:d]]}
{:label "Explicit" :tree [[:a [:b :c]]
[:d [:e :f]]]}
{:label "Typed" :tree [:kw 42 "str" {:k :map}]}]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path] [{:keys [tree]}] :row-path}]
(case (:id (last column-path))
"Tree" (str tree)
"Leaf Paths" (str (vec (nested-grid/leaf-paths
(nested-grid/header-spec->header-paths tree))))
"All Paths" (str (nested-grid/header-spec->header-paths tree))))]]])
:justify :between
:column-tree [2 4 6]
:row-tree [1 3 5]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(* (last column-path) (last row-path)))]
[:pre {:style {:margin-top "19px"}} "[nested-grid
:column-tree [2 4 6]
:row-tree [1 3 5]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(* (last column-path)
(last row-path)))]"]]]
[p "A simple times table. the " [:code ":cell"] " function receives "
[:code ":column-path"] " and " [:code ":row-path"]
". In this case, each path is a vector of one number, for instance, "
[:code "[5]"] "."]
:justify :between
:column-tree [0 1 2]
:row-tree [2 3 4]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(get-in lookup-table [(last column-path)
(last row-path)]))]
[:pre {:style {:margin-top "19px"}} "[nested-grid
:column-tree [0 1 2]
:row-tree [2 3 4]
:cell (fn [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]
(get-in lookup-table [(last column-path)
(last row-path)]))]"]]]
[p "Here, instead of multiplying the path values, we use them to access an "
"external lookup table. This is a common use-case. We prepare a data frame independently from "
[:code "nested-grid"] ", but with the intention of using "
[:code "nested-grid"] " as a display layer."]]])

(defn demos []
(let [tabs [{:id :basic :label "Basic Demo" :view basic-demo}
{:id :color :label "Color" :view color-demo}
{:id :shade :label "Shade" :view color-shade-demo}
#_#_{:id :color :label "Color" :view color-demo}
{:id :shade :label "Shade" :view color-shade-demo}
{:id :internals :label "Internals" :view internals-demo}
{:id :spec :label "Spec" :view header-spec-demo}]
{:id :spec :label "Multimodal" :view header-spec-demo}]
!tab-id (r/atom (:id (first tabs)))
!tab (r/reaction (u/item-for-id @!tab-id tabs))]
(fn []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,8 +534,9 @@
;; core holds a reference to panel, so need one level of indirection to get figwheel updates
(defn panel
(let [tabs [{:id :intro :label "Introduction" :view intro-column}
{:id :concepts :label "Concepts" :view concepts-column}
(let [tabs [{:id :concepts :label "Concepts" :view concepts-column}
{:id :intro :label "Introduction" :view intro-column}

{:id :more :label "More" :view more-column}
{:id :parameters :label "Parameters" :view args-column}]
!tab-id (r/atom (:id (first tabs)))
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