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Merge pull request #777 from dcSpark/nico/fixes_124
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Nico/fixes 124
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nicarq authored Jan 8, 2025
2 parents 4e5b716 + 8c120af commit e903537
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Showing 6 changed files with 179 additions and 508 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -14,397 +14,6 @@ use std::result::Result::Ok;
use std::sync::Arc;

impl JobManager {
// /// Performs multiple proximity vector searches within the job scope based on extracting keywords from the query text.
// /// Attempts to take at least 1 proximity group per keyword that is from a VR different than the highest scored node, to encourage wider diversity in results.
// /// Returns the search results and the description/summary text of the VR the highest scored retrieved node is from.
// #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
// pub async fn keyword_chained_job_scope_vector_search(
// db: Arc<SqliteManager>,
// job_scope: &MinimalJobScope,
// query_text: String,
// user_profile: &ShinkaiName,
// generator: RemoteEmbeddingGenerator,
// num_of_top_results: u64,
// max_tokens_in_prompt: usize,
// ) -> Result<(Vec<ShinkaiFileChunkCollection>, Option<String>), SqliteManagerError> {
// let mut master_intro_hashmap: HashMap<String, Vec<ShinkaiFileChunkCollection>> = HashMap::new();
// // First perform a standard job scope vector search using the whole query text
// let query = generator.generate_embedding_default(&query_text).await?;
// let (mut ret_groups, intro_hashmap) = JobManager::internal_job_scope_vector_search_groups(
// db.clone(),
// job_scope,
// query,
// query_text.clone(),
// num_of_top_results,
// user_profile,
// true,
// generator.clone(),
// max_tokens_in_prompt,
// )
// .await?;
// // Insert the contents of intro_hashmap into master_intro_hashmap
// for (key, value) in intro_hashmap {
// master_intro_hashmap.entry(key).or_insert(value);
// }

// // Initialize included_vrs vector with the resource header id of the first node from each ret_node_group, if it exists
// let mut included_vrs: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
// for ret_node_group in ret_groups.iter() {
// if let Some(first_node) = ret_node_group.first() {
// included_vrs.push(first_node.resource_header.reference_string());
// }
// }

// // Extract top 3 keywords from the query_text
// let keywords = Self::extract_keywords_from_text(&query_text, 0);

// // Now we proceed to keyword search chaining logic.
// for keyword in keywords {
// let keyword_query = generator.generate_embedding_default(&keyword).await?;
// let (keyword_ret_nodes_groups, keyword_intro_hashmap) =
// JobManager::internal_job_scope_vector_search_groups(
// db.clone(),
// job_scope,
// keyword_query,
// keyword.clone(),
// num_of_top_results,
// user_profile,
// true,
// generator.clone(),
// max_tokens_in_prompt,
// )
// .await?;

// // Insert the contents into master_intro_hashmap
// for (key, value) in keyword_intro_hashmap {
// master_intro_hashmap.entry(key).or_insert(value);
// }

// // Start looping through the vector search results for this keyword
// let mut keyword_node_inserted = false;
// for group in keyword_ret_nodes_groups.iter() {
// if let Some(first_group_node) = group.first() {
// if !ret_groups.iter().any(|ret_group| group == ret_group) {
// // If the node is unique and we haven't inserted any keyword node yet
// if !keyword_node_inserted {
// // Insert the first node that is not in ret_nodes
// if ret_groups.len() >= 3 {
// ret_groups.insert(3, group.clone()); // Insert at the 3rd position
// } else {
// ret_groups.push(group.clone()); // If less than 3 nodes, just append
// }
// keyword_node_inserted = true;

// // Check if this keyword node is from a unique VR
// let from_unique_vr =
// !included_vrs.contains(&first_group_node.resource_header.reference_string());
// // Update the included_vrs
// included_vrs.push(first_group_node.resource_header.reference_string());

// // If the first unique node is from a unique VR, no need to continue going through rest of the keyword_nodes
// if from_unique_vr {
// break;
// }
// } else {
// // If we're attempting to insert a unique VR node and found one
// if ret_groups.len() >= 4 {
// ret_groups.insert(4, group.clone()); // Insert at the 4th position if possible
// } else {
// ret_groups.push(group.clone()); // Otherwise, just append
// }
// // Once a unique VR node is inserted, no need to continue for this keyword
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }

// // For the top N groups, fetch their VRs' intros and include them at the front of the list
// // We do this by iterating in reverse order (ex. 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st), so highest scored VR intro will be at the top.
// let num_groups = Self::determine_num_groups_for_intro_fetch(max_tokens_in_prompt);
// let mut final_nodes = Vec::new();
// let mut added_intros = HashMap::new();
// let mut first_intro_text = None;

// for group in ret_groups.iter().take(num_groups).rev() {
// // Take the first 5 groups and reverse the order
// if let Some(first_node) = group.first() {
// // Take the first node of the group
// if let Some(intro_text_nodes) = master_intro_hashmap.get(&first_node.resource_header.reference_string())
// {
// if !added_intros.contains_key(&first_node.resource_header.reference_string()) {
// // Add the intro nodes, and the ref string to added_intros
// for intro_node in intro_text_nodes.iter() {
// final_nodes.push(intro_node.clone());
// added_intros.insert(first_node.resource_header.reference_string(), true);
// }
// }
// if first_intro_text.is_none() {
// if let Some(intro_text_node) = intro_text_nodes.first() {
// if let Ok(intro_text) = intro_text_node.node.get_text_content() {
// first_intro_text = Some(intro_text.to_string());
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }

// // Now go through the groups and add the actual result nodes, skipping any that already are added up front from the intros
// for group in ret_groups.iter() {
// for node in group.iter() {
// if !final_nodes
// .iter()
// .take(10)
// .any(|result_node| result_node.node.content == node.node.content)
// {
// final_nodes.push(node.clone());
// }
// }
// }

// // println!(
// // "\n\n\nDone Vector Searching: {}\n------------------------------------------------",
// // query_text
// // );

// // for node in &final_nodes {
// // eprintln!("{:?} - {:?}\n", node.score as f32, node.format_for_prompt(3500));
// // }

// Ok((final_nodes, first_intro_text))
// }

// // /// Determines the number of grouped proximity retrieved nodes to check for intro fetching
// // fn determine_num_groups_for_intro_fetch(max_tokens_in_prompt: usize) -> usize {
// // if max_tokens_in_prompt < 5000 {
// // 5
// // } else if max_tokens_in_prompt < 33000 {
// // 6
// // } else {
// // 7
// // }
// // }

// /// Extracts top N keywords from the given text.
// fn extract_keywords_from_text(text: &str, num_keywords: usize) -> Vec<String> {
// // Create a new KeyPhraseExtractor with a maximum of num_keywords keywords
// let extractor = KeyPhraseExtractor::new(text, num_keywords);

// // Get the keywords and their scores
// let keywords = extractor.get_keywords();

// // Return only the keywords, discarding the scores
// keywords.into_iter().map(|(_score, keyword)| keyword).collect()
// }

// //TODOs:
// // - Potentially check the top 10 group result VR, and if they were a pdf or docx, then include first 1-2 nodes of the pdf/docx to always have title/authors available
// //
// /// Perform a proximity vector search on all local & VectorFS-held Vector Resources specified in the JobScope.
// /// Returns the proximity groups of retrieved nodes.
// #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
// async fn internal_job_scope_vector_search_groups(
// _db: Arc<SqliteManager>,
// job_scope: &MinimalJobScope,
// query: Vec<f32>,
// query_text: String,
// num_of_top_results: u64,
// profile: &ShinkaiName,
// _include_description: bool,
// generator: RemoteEmbeddingGenerator,
// max_tokens_in_prompt: usize,
// ) -> Result<
// (
// Vec<Vec<ShinkaiFileChunkCollection>>,
// HashMap<String, Vec<ShinkaiFileChunkCollection>>,
// ),
// SqliteManagerError,
// > {
// // Determine the vector search mode configured in the job scope.
// // Limit the maximum tokens to 25k (~ 10 pages of PDF) if the context window is greater than that.
// // If the length is < 25k, pass the entire context.
// // If the length is > 25k, pass the first page of the document and fill up to 25k tokens of context window.
// let max_tokens_in_prompt =
// if job_scope.vector_search_mode.contains(&VectorSearchMode::FillUpTo25k) && max_tokens_in_prompt > 25000 {
// 25000
// } else {
// max_tokens_in_prompt
// };

// let average_out_deep_search_scores = true;
// let proximity_window_size = Self::determine_proximity_window_size(max_tokens_in_prompt);
// let total_num_of_results = (num_of_top_results * proximity_window_size * 2) + num_of_top_results;
// // Holds the intro text for each VR, where only the ones that have results with top scores will be used
// let mut intro_hashmap: HashMap<String, Vec<RetrievedNode>> = HashMap::new();

// // Setup vars used across searches
// let deep_traversal_options = vec![
// TraversalOption::SetScoringMode(ScoringMode::HierarchicalAverageScoring),
// TraversalOption::SetResultsMode(ResultsMode::ProximitySearch(proximity_window_size, num_of_top_results)),
// ];
// let num_of_resources_to_search_into = 50;
// let mut retrieved_node_groups = Vec::new();

// // VRPack deep vector search
// for entry in &job_scope.local_vrpack {
// let vr_pack_results = entry
// .vrpack
// .dynamic_deep_vector_search_with_vrkai_path_customized(
// query_text.clone(),
// num_of_resources_to_search_into,
// &vec![],
// None,
// total_num_of_results,
// TraversalMethod::Exhaustive,
// &deep_traversal_options,
// generator.clone(),
// average_out_deep_search_scores,
// job_scope.vector_search_mode.clone(),
// )
// .await?;

// // Fetch the VRKai intros and add them to hashmap
// let mut bare_results = vec![];
// for (ret_node, path) in vr_pack_results {
// let ref_string = ret_node.resource_header.reference_string();
// if let std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) = intro_hashmap.entry(ref_string) {
// if let Ok(intro_nodes) = entry.vrpack.get_vrkai_intro_ret_nodes(path.clone()) {
// e.insert(intro_nodes);
// }
// }
// bare_results.push(ret_node);
// }

// let mut groups = RetrievedNode::group_proximity_results(&bare_results)?;
// retrieved_node_groups.append(&mut groups);
// }

// // Folder deep vector search
// {
// for folder in &job_scope.vector_fs_folders {
// let reader = vector_fs
// .new_reader(profile.clone(), folder.path.clone(), profile.clone())
// .await
// .map_err(|e: VectorFSError| SqliteManagerError::SomeError(format!("VectorFS error: {}", e)))?;

// let results = vector_fs
// .deep_vector_search_customized(
// &reader,
// query_text.clone(),
// num_of_resources_to_search_into,
// total_num_of_results,
// deep_traversal_options.clone(),
// average_out_deep_search_scores,
// job_scope.vector_search_mode.clone(),
// )
// .await
// .map_err(|e: VectorFSError| SqliteManagerError::SomeError(format!("VectorFS error: {}", e)))?;

// // Fetch the intros
// let mut bare_results = vec![];
// for result in results {
// let ret_node = result.resource_retrieved_node.clone();
// let ref_string = ret_node.resource_header.reference_string();
// if let std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) = intro_hashmap.entry(ref_string) {
// let result_reader = reader
// .new_reader_copied_data(result.fs_item_path().clone(), &vector_fs)
// .await
// .map_err(|e: VectorFSError| {
// SqliteManagerError::SomeError(format!("VectorFS error: {}", e))
// })?;

// if let Ok(intro_nodes) = vector_fs._internal_get_vr_intro_ret_nodes(&result_reader).await {
// e.insert(intro_nodes);
// }
// }
// bare_results.push(ret_node);
// }

// let mut groups = RetrievedNode::group_proximity_results(&mut bare_results)?;

// retrieved_node_groups.append(&mut groups);
// }
// }

// // Fetch rest of VRs directly
// let resources = JobManager::fetch_job_scope_direct_resources(vector_fs, job_scope, profile).await?;
// shinkai_log(
// ShinkaiLogOption::JobExecution,
// ShinkaiLogLevel::Info,
// &format!("Num of resources fetched: {}", resources.len()),
// );

// // Perform vector search on all direct resources
// for resource in &resources {
// // First get the resource embedding, and score vs the query
// let resource_embedding = resource.as_trait_object().resource_embedding();
// let resource_score = query.score_similarity(resource_embedding);

// // Do the search
// let mut results = resource.as_trait_object().vector_search_customized(
// query.clone(),
// total_num_of_results,
// TraversalMethod::Exhaustive,
// &deep_traversal_options,
// None,
// job_scope.vector_search_mode.clone(),
// );

// // Average out the node scores together with the resource_score
// if average_out_deep_search_scores {
// for ret_node in &mut results {
// ret_node.score = deep_search_scores_average_out(
// None,
// resource_score,
// resource.as_trait_object().description().unwrap_or("").to_string(),
// ret_node.score,
// ret_node.node.get_text_content().unwrap_or("").to_string(),
// );
// }
// }

// // Fetch the intros
// let mut bare_results = vec![];
// for ret_node in results {
// let ref_string = ret_node.resource_header.reference_string();
// if let std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) = intro_hashmap.entry(ref_string) {
// if let Ok(intro_nodes) = resource.as_trait_object().generate_intro_ret_nodes() {
// e.insert(intro_nodes);
// }
// }
// bare_results.push(ret_node);
// }

// let mut groups = RetrievedNode::group_proximity_results(&mut bare_results)?;
// retrieved_node_groups.append(&mut groups);
// }

// shinkai_log(
// ShinkaiLogOption::JobExecution,
// ShinkaiLogLevel::Info,
// &format!("Num of node groups retrieved: {}", retrieved_node_groups.len()),
// );

// // Sort the retrieved node groups by score, and generate a description if any direct VRs available
// let sorted_retrieved_node_groups =
// RetrievedNode::sort_by_score_groups(&retrieved_node_groups, total_num_of_results);

// Ok((sorted_retrieved_node_groups, intro_hashmap))
// }

// /// Determines the proximity window size based on the max tokens supported by the model
// fn determine_proximity_window_size(max_tokens_in_prompt: usize) -> u64 {
// if max_tokens_in_prompt < 5000 {
// 1
// } else if max_tokens_in_prompt < 33000 {
// 2
// } else {
// 3
// }
// }

/// Helper function to process folders and collect file information
async fn process_folder_contents(
folder: &ShinkaiPath,
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