My resume by using NuxtJS (VueJS), Element and some useful tools
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
All the data files are written with YAML format
Those files are located in assets/yaml
Contain the detail for the About Me
section as follow
# About Section
# about_title: About Me (Use this to override)
about_profile_image: Image name for avatar under static folder (eg. me.jpg)
about_content: > # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Short description about you
Contain the detail for the Education
section as follow
# Education Template
# educations_title: Education #(Use this to override)
- name: School name
place: place
dates: Date range
qualification: Degree name
Contain the detail for the Work experience
section as follow
# Experience template
# experiences_title: Work experience #(Use this to override)
- company: the company name
link: Link for the company website
place: place of your experience
job_title: job title
dates: date range
description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Short description of the company
Contain the main information about you as follow
# Personal info
name: your name
title: your current title
email: email
phone: phone number
# Social links
twitter_username: Twitter username (find it in url)
github_username: Github username (find it in url)
linkedin_username: Linkedin username (find it in url)
Contain the detail for the Activities and interests
section as follow
# Hobbies Section
# hobbies_title: Activities and interests #(Use this to override)
hobbies_content: > # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Short description of what you do except working
Contain the detail for the Projects
section as follow
# Project template
# projects_title: Projects #(Use this to override)
- name: Project name
link: Project link
description: > # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
Short description of the project
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out
The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Special thanks to sproogen for inspiration