This repository is a place for describing the process I use to initalize SSH to Github on my computer as well as basic commands used in my normal work flow.
- Bring up a console and navigate to:
cd ~/.ssh
- Type in the following command to generate a SSH key pair:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C <email address>
- Follow all information requested by ssh-keygen. Once complete, check for a config file in ~/.ssh. If the config does not exist, create a new text file and insert the following information:
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<key file name>
- Run the following command, copying the output to the clipboard:
cat <key file name>.pub
This is your public key which must be added to Github using the following process:
- Click on User in upper right corner of Github and choose Settings
- Click SSH and GPG Keys section on the left hand side
- Click New SSH key pasting the previously copied key into the Key section
- Provide the key with a Title and click Add SSH key
Now you can test your SSH connection to Github using the following command:
ssh -T
- Everything is working fine if you end up with a response like this:
Hi <user>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.