Admin-LTE for Angular4 as a NPM package
Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of 🍻!
This lib is only tested on angular-cli project, but it probably can work elsewhere...
To install this lib on your project :
yarn add ngx-admin-lte
or npm install ngx-admin-lte
in your app.modules.ts
imports: [
add js and css of admin-lte in your project. like so:
in your angular-cli.json
"assets": [
{ "glob": "**/*", "input": "../node_modules/ngx-admin-lte/src/public/assets", "output": "./assets" }
"scripts": [
in your style.css
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";
@import "../node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css";
@import "../node_modules/admin-lte/dist/css/AdminLTE.css";
@import "../node_modules/admin-lte/dist/css/skins/skin-blue.css";
@import "../node_modules/ionicons/dist/css/ionicons.css";
then you can declare your component with the adminLte template in your router:
import { CanActivateGuard, LayoutAuthComponent } from 'ngx-admin-lte';
const routes: Routes = [
// logged routes
canActivate: [CanActivateGuard],
children: [
canActivate: [CanActivateGuard],
component: HomeComponent,
path: 'home'
canActivate: [CanActivateGuard],
component: PageNumComponent,
path: 'page/:id'
component: LayoutAuthComponent,
path: '',
// not logged routes
component: LayoutLoginComponent,
path: 'login'
component: RegisterComponent,
path: 'register'
You can set the menu links, globally (if you do that in your app.component.ts for example), or locally, if you do that in each of your component
import { User, MenuService, Message, MessagesService } from 'ngx-admin-lte';
// define here your own links menu structure
private mylinks: any = [
'title': 'Home',
'icon': 'dashboard',
'link': ['/']
'title': 'Sub menu',
'icon': 'link',
'sublinks': [
'title': 'Page 2',
'link': ['/page/2'],
'title': 'Page 3',
'link': ['/page/3'],
private menuServ: MenuService,
private msgServ: MessagesService
) {
public ngOnInit() {
// define menu
You can define your own brand name in the logo
Import { LogoService } from 'ngx-admin-lte';
constructor( private logoServ: LogoService ){
this.logoServ.setCurrentLogo({ //used for reduced menu small: { bold: 'A', normal: 'LT' }, //used for normal state big: { bold: 'Admin', normal: 'LTE' } });
This service is used to send/get the current user informations accross the app
For example you can set the current user, in your login page :
import {User, UserService} from 'ngx-admin-lte';
private _user_serv: UserService
let user = new User({
firstname: "WEBER",
lastname: "Antoine",
email: "",
avatarUrl: "assets/img/user2-160x160.jpg"
this._user_serv.setCurrentUser( user );
and you can get the user in a widget:
import {User, UserService} from 'ngx-admin-lte';
private current_user: User;
private _user_serv : UserService,
//se connecter au modification du user courant
this._user_serv.current_user.subscribe((user: User) => this.current_user = user);
This widget handle the header bar, it includes other 'box' widgets for the top navigation:
- Messages Box
- Notification Box
- Tasks Box
- User box
This widget is registred to the messages service
WIP This widget is registred to the notification service
WIP This widget is registred to the task service
This widget is registred to the user service (for the current user display)
This widget handle the left navigation Menu
It is registred to the user service (for the current user display)
- firstname: string, First Name of the user
- lastname : string, Last Name of the user
- email : string, Email address of the user
- avatarUrl : string, URL for the user avatar, could be absolute or relative
- creation_date : string, timestamp of the creation of the user
- title : string, title of the message
- content : string, content of the mesage
- author : User, source user of the message
- destination : User, destination user of the message
- date : string, date of sending