Smart room using ESP8266 with datalogger Sensor :
- DHT 11 = Temperature
- LDR = Light Intensity (Custom)
Actuator :
- Fan
- LED light
- Miniature Projector
The purpose:
- For control temperature and room light level wirelessly using esp8266.
- Using sensor DHT11 to collect temperature data and LDR to collect room light levels
- All data from the sensor is sent to the webserver using esp8266 and shows the condition of the room about temperature, light level, fan status, and lamp status.
- After all, the microcontroller in ESP8266-12E will calculate to turn on or turn off the lamp and the fan between the current condition in the room and the threshold was set.
- In webserver we can adjust the threshold of temperature and light level.
Software version:
- XAMPP-win32-1.8.3-2-VC11-installer
- Arduino-1.8.5