Monitoring the airsim vehicle status and notifying the client by using websocket.
The python client of Airsim for the demonstration in the demo room. Following python files are based on the orginal code from AirSim, please update code accordingly.
You need to install following dependencies, please refer to the official documents.
- Epic Unreal Engine 4.27
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Python 3.9.9
- Git
- Install AirSim from Github
- pip install airsim
- pip install numpy
- pip install msgpack-rpc-python
- pip install opencv-contrib-python
- pip install tornado
Monitoring the AirSim and serveing the websocket to push message to frontend.
The settings.json is the default config from AirSim repository, and AirSim will load this file from the default directory. The directory in windows is: "C:\Users\cccis\Documents\AirSim\settings.json"