Dockerfiles for R sessions and jobs to be used RStudio Server Pro, Launcher, and Kubernetes.
The Docker images built from these Dockerfiles are intended to be used for R sessions and jobs with RStudio Server Pro, Launcher, and Kubernetes.
For more information about RStudio Server Pro and Launcher, refer to the Launcher Overview on the RStudio Solutions website.
For more information about how to use these images with RStudio Server Pro and Launcher, refer to the RStudio support article on Using Docker images with RStudio Server Pro, Launcher, and Kubernetes.
Built images are available from the rstudio/r-session-complete repository on Docker Hub.
These images include the following layers:
- Base OS
- RSP session components
- Some system packages required for R, R packages, and RStudio Professional Drivers
- A recent version of R
- R packages (devtools, tidyverse, shiny, and rmarkdown)
- RStudio Professional Drivers
All changes should be made in a PR and merged when the build passes.
When builds on master are passing and you are ready to release a new version of the image on Docker Hub, you can tag a release on master using the following steps:
- Bump versions of RSP session components in Dockerfiles
- Run the following commands on the
branch, editing the version string as needed (where 1.2.XXX-X is the RSP version and r-3.X.X is the R version):
export VERSION=1.2.XXXX-X-r-3.X.X
git commit --allow-empty -m "Release for image version ${VERSION}"
git tag -a ${VERSION} -m "${VERSION}"
git push origin ${VERSION}
git push
- The new images will get built on Travis CI and get pushed to Docker Hub