My personal website, built with Jekyll.
- works: generated from BibTeX file
each course has a directory, named by crs_subj-crs_nbr (such as CS-110), which contains:
- general information about the course (in files and directories) that remains valid across course offerings
- a directory for each offering of the course, named by the semester (such as 201810), which may contain:
- meetings
- media
- syllabus
- feedback from students
At the start of a new semester:
- create new entries in _data/teaching/semesters.csv and _data/teaching/offerings.csv as needed
- run script/ to create data files needed for offering
- run script/ to create markdown files for offering (meetings, responses, and summaries, assignments index)
- create (or duplicate) a csv file for the semester schedule _data/teaching/schedule/s202010.csv (I found that jekyll does not like files that start with digits, I start these (and other data file names) with a character).
- HTML sitemap generated with liquid, see sitemap-index.html
- site search with Tipue Search: