Welcome to my epic repository of solutions to CCExtractor's Tasks!
Take a look at main.rs in /armstrong/src for my Armstrong number validator!
Learning Rust proved to be very difficult at first, because I use python and javascript a lot more than C / C++.
Take a look at main.rs in /leapyear/src for my Leap Year validator!
Take a look at /cc_gps for my Flutter GPS app!
This proved to take a surprising amount of time, requiring a LOT of debugging. A surprising amount for such a simple task...
However, I learned a lot about good design, especially SRP (Single Responsibility Principle). It felt like overkill for this task and was the cause of a lot of struggle because I implemented it incorrectly at first.
This app generates a random maze on each button press!
Check it out in /cc_maze
The other work I've done for CCExtractor lives here:
- Unit Converter is a graph-based command line unit converter!
- Qui Qui (Who - Who) is a who-is-who app developed completely in flutter!