Stores DOST Sensor information taken from its Web Service into PostgreSQL/PostGIS database
- Create a PostgreSQL Database.
createdb flood
- Add PostGIS extension
psql flood
create extension postgis;
create extension postgis_topology;
- Create the Sensor tables
create table asg (
id serial,
name text,
time timestamp,
value float,
water_level_change float,
time_difference float,
lon float,
lat float,
the_geom geometry('POINT',4326),
PRIMARY KEY ( name,time )
create table td (
id serial,
name text,
time timestamp,
value float,
water_level_change float,
time_difference float,
lon float,
lat float,
the_geom geometry('POINT',4326),
PRIMARY KEY ( name,time )
create table arg (
id serial,
name text,
time timestamp,
value float,
lon float,
lat float,
the_geom geometry('POINT',4326),
PRIMARY KEY ( name,time )
create table aws (
id serial,
name text,
time timestamp,
temp float,
humi float,
pres float,
rain float,
lon float,
lat float,
the_geom geometry('POINT',4326),
PRIMARY KEY ( name,time )
- Create view tables to access only the latest data
create view asg_latest as
select a.* from asg as a inner join
(select name,max(time) as time from asg group by name) as b
on = and a.time = b.time order by a.time desc;
create view arg_latest as
select a.* from arg as a inner join
(select name,max(time) as time from arg group by name) as b
on = and a.time = b.time order by a.time desc;
create view aws_latest as
select a.* from aws as a inner join
(select name,max(time) as time from aws group by name) as b
on = and a.time = b.time order by a.time desc;
create view td_latest as
select a.* from td as a inner join
(select name,max(time) as time from td group by name) as b
on = and a.time = b.time order by a.time desc;
Compile and create a Runnable jar file ( in Eclipse ).
Run the jar file that will populate the sensor table
java -jar dostSensor.jar
Create a Cron entry that will execute the program above and populate the sensor table at specific times.
View the latest data in QGIS by opening the *_latest tables.