This repository includes DAugmentor search space related architectures. If you are planing to submit your GAN architecture please use the following template.
# Developer Name: John Doe
# Developer GitHub Habdle: @JohnGAN
# Citation of Publication (If available)
#Benchmark Results if available
# Define GAN Class
class SampleGAN:
def construct_discriminator(self, in_shape=(28, 28, 1)):
This function defines the discriminator network of the DC-GAN.
:return: d_network
Model Description
Model Type: Sequential
return d_network
def construct_generator(self, latent_dim):
This function defines the generator network of the DC-GAN.
:return: g_network
Model Description
Model Type: Sequential
return g_network
def construct_gan(self, g_network, d_network):
construct_gan function assembles a network using constructed g and d networks
:param g_network:
:param d_network:
:return: gan
return gan
def prepare_real_samples(self):
prepare_real_samples function load the data provider and set
training and testing dataset
:return: real_samples
return real_samples
def generate_real_samples(self, dataset, n_samples):
select real_data samples
:param dataset:
:param n_samples:
:return: X,Y
return X, y
def generate_latent_points(self, latent_dim, n_samples):
generate points in latent space as input for the generator
:param latent_dim:
:param n_samples:
:return: x_input
return x_input
def generate_fake_samples(self, generator, latent_dim, n_samples):
use the generator to generate n fake examples, with class labels
:param generator:
:param latent_dim:
:param n_samples:
:return: X,Y
return X, Y
def train_gan(self, g_network, d_network, assembled_gan, dataset, latent_dim, epochs=100, BATCH_SIZE=128):
train_gan function handles the training process of the assembled GAN
At the end this function saves
- trained weights of d and g networks
- trained d and g network models
:param g_network:
:param d_network:
:param assembled_gan:
:param dataset:
:param latent_dim:
:param epochs:
:param BATCH_SIZE:
:return: none
# priint g, d loss
# print model summary
# save the generator model
def generate_latent_points(latent_dim, n_samples):
generate points in latent space as input for the generator
:param n_samples:
:return: x_input
return x_input
def show_plot(self, examples, n):
create and save a plot of generated images in reversed grayscale
:param examples:
:param n:
:return: none
# plot images
def generate(self):
To generate data using the generator model
def ucgan_executor(self):
executor function workflow
- set latent space size
- construct generator and discriminator
- assemble GAN
- prepare real data sample
- set number of epochs and batch size
- train GAN
- augment data