is a tool meant to patch some of bspwm
's shortcomings.
Here are its features:
Transparent Monocle Mode - If you've used
's monocle mode with any sort of window transparency, you've probably noticed that you can see your other open windows in the background. This is not ideal. And so,bspm
solves it! Just make sure to replace your existing hotkeys with the appropriatebspm
commands, and you're good to go! -
More Coming (Hopefully) Soon!
First things first: To use bspm
, you need to launch its daemon.
Simply add this to your bspwmrc
and you'll have it up and running at startup:
bspm -d &
All commands are prefixed with the subcommand monocle
Toggle this mode for the desktop you're currently on:
bspm monocle --toggle
Cycle to the next node:
bspm monocle --next
Cycle to the previous node:
bspm monocle --prev
Subscriptions are useful to create interactions with bspm's state.
You can, for example, setup your status bar to show an icon when monocle mode is active, and how many nodes are open.
Subscribe to number of nodes in the current desktop's monocle mode (number also updates as desktop focus changes):
bspm monocle --subscribe-node-count
This will return -1
if monocle mode is disabled.
Bear in mind that a desktop in monocle mode can still have 0
That's it!
Caution: The bspc node -k
command will break this mode.
You can resume it simply by toggling it off and on again.
To avoid this, you can replace that command in your sxhkdrc
with one of the following:
xdo kill
xdotool getwindowfocus windowkill
xkill -id $(xprop -root _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -d\# -f2)
(Not pretty, I know)
You'll need to have the necessary dependencies installed for whatever command you choose.
A few tips::
- To be able to use
to cycle between nodes in this mode and still be able to use those keys intiled
mode, you can use the following snippet in yoursxhkdrc
super + j
bspm monocle --prev || bspc node -f south
super + k
bspm monocle --next || bspc node -f north
- To get an indicator in Polybar for whether or not transparent monocle mode is activated in the currently focused desktop, and how many nodes are in it, use a script like this one:
bspm monocle --subscribe-node-count | while read -r n_nodes; do
if [[ $n_nodes == "-1" ]]
echo " "
echo "M[$n_nodes]"
And then have a Polybar module like: (and enable it for your bar)
type = custom/script
exec =
tail = true
A special thanks to ortango for his contributions in perfecting bspm