In a challenge lab you’re given a scenario and a set of tasks. Instead of following step-by-step instructions, you will use the skills learned from the labs in the quest to figure out how to complete the tasks on your own! An automated scoring system (shown on this page) will provide feedback on whether you have completed your tasks correctly.
When you take a challenge lab, you will not be taught new Google Cloud concepts. You are expected to extend your learned skills, like changing default values and reading and researching error messages to fix your own mistakes.
To score 100% you must successfully complete all tasks within the time period!
git clone
cd ~/monolith-to-microservices
cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/monolith
npm start
gcloud services enable
gcloud builds submit --tag${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/fancytest:1.0.0 .
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
gcloud services enable
gcloud container clusters create fancy-cluster --num-nodes 3
kubectl create deployment fancytest${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/fancytest:1.0.0
kubectl expose deployment fancytest --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8080
{cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/microservices/src/orders
gcloud builds submit --tag${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/orders:1.0.0 .
cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/microservices/src/products
gcloud builds submit --tag${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/products:1.0.0 .
{kubectl create deployment orders${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/orders:1.0.0
kubectl expose deployment orders --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8081
kubectl create deployment products${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/products:1.0.0
kubectl expose deployment products --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8082
{cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/react-app
nano .env
{cd ~/monolith-to-microservices/microservices/src/frontend
gcloud builds submit --tag${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/frontend:1.0.0 .
{kubectl create deployment frontend${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/frontend:1.0.0
kubectl expose deployment frontend --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8080