This is the 'API Gateway' microservice, its responsibilities will be:
Combine different grpc services, and then expose as real public APIs.
Block and reject dirty requests.
- Any new created branch please indicate its 'target' and 'based point' in the branch name explicitly.
# Build your image.
docker build \
--no-cache=true \
--pull=true \
--compress=false \
--rm=true \
--force-rm=true \
--tag gateway-dev-leonard:0.0.1 \
# Tag your image.
docker tag gateway-dev-leonard:0.0.1 micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/gateway-dev-leonard:0.0.1
# Login to the corresponding registry.
docker login micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300
# Push your image to the registry.
docker push micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/gateway-dev-leonard:0.0.1
# Trigger running container update.
docker service update --image micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/gateway-dev-leonard:0.0.3 gate_services_stack_ms_ms-gateway